I’m very interested what our American friends know about General Mark Clark and to what extent knowledge that this fellow is responsible for more than 60,000 dead soldiers is common in USA.
60,000+ bodies within seven month… + more wounded and thousands of irreparable battle stress casualties…
(To be really honest, this achievement of Mark Clark was shared with British General Alexander, General Leese, General Freiburg from NZ and dumbest of all of them - Polish General Anders.)
"The Abbey at Monte Cassino (the Abbazia di Montecassino), bombed into rubble by the Allied forces, only to make ideal cover for the German troops who rapidly re-entered the Abbey after the bombing. As a result, the Allies attempted again to “take” the hill on which the Abbey was situated; thousands of soldiers lost their lives in this action. Military leadership during the Peninsular Campaign by Field Marshall Alexander and General Mark Clark was inept at best and caused thousands of casualties – civil and military – that blemish the record of the services even today. Monte Cassino tops any list of disgraces resulting from egocentric military leadership, planning and execution. Historians now agree that none of the bombing and fighting served any true military purpose. It was simply a contest between the leadership of the American, English and Polish forces to see whose men could take the hill. The senseless waste of human life sickened many of us who photographed it. One small town in Texas lost 3000 of its National Guardsmen in about 3 hours in a Mark Clark-directed operation to force surrender of the town of Cassino. The operation failed. "