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General view of the Exposition

General view of the German section of the International Aviation Saloon of Milan in 1935. DVX

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The biplane in foreground is a Bücker Bü 131 "Jungmann" while the monoplane just beyond is surely a Klemm Kl 35. The high wing monoplane at the center of the photo is a Focke-Wulf Fw 56 Stösser while the glider at the center of the hall seem a Göppingen Gö 3 Minimoa. But very interesting is the biplane in background on the Italian stand: is in effect the nearly unknown Fiat CR.40, a fighter biplane built only in two units immediately abandoned in favor of the CR.32 (on the right). Anyway the CR.40 was, together the CR.41 (only prototype), a direct predecessor of the CR.42. Best regards, Victor Sierra