Generaloberst Baron von Fritsh - German Forces | Gallery

Generaloberst Baron von Fritsh

Dead generaloberst baron von Fritsh.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I read about his death in the past but never thought I would have a chance to see this picture-respect for this site!!!I’m proud to be here : )

It’s Fritsch, not Fritsh…

That aside, a little background information would’ve been nice, such as that he was the second Wehrmacht General to die in the war. He inspected his troops in Praga, Warsaw, during the siege of Warsaw when a Polish bullet tore his leg artery, killing him within a minute.
Because it was extremely unusual for a Generaloberst (Colonel General) to be basically at the frontlines, and because he was only the second German General (Third in the war) to die, the official investigation into his death came to the conclusion that he was intentionally searching death.

Von Fritsch was an outspoken critic of the Nazi Regime, especially with regards to its suppression of Civil liberties, and an adamant opponent of the existence of the SS. He was also strongly opposed to a potential Russo-German war.

In 1938, following the resignation of his patron Field Marshal von Blomberg, Hitler and Goering set about getting rid of von Fritsch by accusing him of homosexuality. He was forced to retire alongside several of his supporters, most of whom were replaced by people loyal to Hitler.
When it became public that the accusations were completely made up, an honor court of officers reinstated him, but the damage to his name was done.