Gentlemen! Enjoy this pic.

im not sure if it has been posted before but here it is. There are many World War 2 guns in here!:mrgreen:

I am not really a fanatic with weapons, but still…drool! I keep asking myself if someone really manages to sit still on that sofa…

and who owns this??? thats a ton a weapons

Why I do! Just kidding! I had this pic in my archives for a long time and I do not recall where i got it!

I pity the poor sod who has to clean that lot!

Meanwhile he probably talks to them while doing it…

Me wanna play. Good god I see FALs, AKs, Tons of BARs, Tons of Thompsons, Tons of Tommys, M16s, Vickers, Lots of Browning HMG. Wow I would love to just sleep in there.

I see an m107, M1 carbines, and garands, stens, augs, m3 grease gun, mp34s, mgs, uzis, mp5s, and he has is own shooting range i think. I wish this guy was my father.

There is even a Volksgewehr if Im not wrong. Shame it doesnt have panzerfausts/Schrecks.

You are correct, there is a volksgewehr! Also in that same area I’m not sure if its a Stg-45 or CETME?

He HE he
Someone has robbed the Wearponry museum?

Great pictures. i love the BAR and M1 wallpaper.


Was this a business that leases equipment for movies, and tv? I like the Solothurn rifle,

Hardly to believe that this is a private collection. I mean, owning a BAR for example is one thing but i counted at least 8 of those…

I bet he’s a dealer. I would love his number.

not real guns but pretty cool.
japanese ste
i realy want that (drool)

Hey Major! Can these models guns shoot real bullets? I saw a vid on Youtube of a guy who makes like WW2 1:5 scale working guns who claims they can shoot real rounds.

no… Its illegal to own firearms in japan, I heard.

firearms are limited to the military and police forces in japan, but they have a gigantic interest in pellet firing replicas called airsoft which can be owned by civillians.
the majority of murders there occurs with edged weopons and is quite high per population density.

I believe that is the collection of the late Charlton Heston. I’ve got a pic of the safe entrance somewhere.
