German 80-mm multiple rocket launcher - German Forces | Gallery

German 80-mm multiple rocket launcher

Near the end of the war, German engineers designed a 80-mm multiple rocket launcher on the basis of captured French half-track armored vehicles S303 (f) and S307 (f) :the 48 missiles Raketensprenggranate (8cm RSprgr.) The missiles were almost an exact copy of the Soviet missiles M-8, known as the "Katyusha". Only 6 launchers were built to fire these missiles. Initially, the launchers were tested as part of the Waffen SS, and then were moved to Schnelle Brigade West (21.PzDiv.).

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I’m really sorry for having to point the obvious to you but like any other regime, faction, religion, sports or old ladies reading club in history the nazis sold an image to their own people that had very little to do with reality, what you see as ‘life’s cruelty’ I see as intelligence, ‘adapt or die’ is rule n.1 in Nature. Life is only cruel to those that refuse to evolve, that’s why Germany survived the Nazi regime and is now a powerfull democratic nation, I doubt you can say the same about Russia who, a century later is still ruled by a totalitarian czar… Cheers

it’s amazing - they’ve started the war with hard belief that everything “untermenshen-made” is a shit. In the end of the war they had to pirate the soviet designs!!! Life is cruel thing…