German armoured train EP 42 - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

German armoured train EP 42

German "Eisenbahn-Panzerzug EP 42". Armed with two 10.5-cm light field howitzers, 20mm-flak quadruplet, 22 light MG's, 1 heavy MG, 2 medium mortars 81mm, 1 Pak 5cm (later the russian 7,62cm SiS 3). Crew: 113 soldiers consisting of Infantrymen, Artillerymen, Engineers, Flak Artillerymen, Radio- and driver personnel.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

What calibre was this one sole heavy MG and what was it’s purpose at all? In contrast, there are 22 light MG’s and if I understand this right, also 2 20mm flak quadruplets. So what is this one MG task?

Is the pattern camouflage or has this train taken a beating?