German army of ..rapist?

Damn,where this world roll?
I was just peacefully sitting and reading wiki this evening- and suddenly, BANG…
Sexual slavery in Poland

While mass rapes were committed by German forces on Jewish women and girls, beginning with the Invasion of Poland in September 1939 they were also committed en masse against non-Jewish Polish women and girls, including during mass executions of ethnic Polish citizens, when rapes were carried-out before shooting the women. Additionally, large numbers of Polish women were captured with the aim of forcing them into serving in German military brothels. Mass raids were reported, made by Nazi forces in Polish cities with the express aim of capturing young women, who later were forced to work in brothels attended by German soldiers and officers. Girls as young as 15 years old, who were ostensibly classified as “suitable for agricultural work in Germany”, were forced to work as prostitutes for German soldiers at their place of destination.

I want to ask you ALL?WTF?
Like most of people i was sure that German army was most disciplined army of the war.No mass rapings no any other violation and violence except caused by the criminal orders of command.How this happend , non of us , told about mass rapings and child prostitutes in Poland?I swear, nothing heard about this.Shame for me…
One of two: either somebody re-write the history faster than we can adopt ( begin with a WIKI) , or there is exist the sort of conspiracy in our forum.

To my knowledge, Sander and Johr (two authors who popularized number of 2M raped by RKKA in Germany) estimated in the same work the number of rapes by Wehrmacht in USSR at 10 million.

I honestly doubt both of the estimates.

I’m puzzled why such a theme as wermacht rapings is almost totally ignored in historical scholarship , although its quite bold mentioned in Wiki?!!

I am not sure it is ignored completely.
F.ex. German documentary “Frauen als Beute - Wehrmacht und Prostitution”

I suspect it’s a reflection of how bad the other crimes of the German armed forces were - if you have say 10 million murders and 5 million rapes, which is going to get most of the attention?

Even the most disciplined army will revert to barbarism when the people around them are classed as sub-human, given the extent of other activities such as genocide rape might not have been high on the punishment list after the war making it lesser known.

I’m going to assume the situation was different in Western occupied countries, no mass rapes and forced prostitution or any where near the Eastern scale.

I do not want to get into an “their crimes were worse than ours” debate. So I’ll just post this link which is about all sexual violence on the Eastern Front but does detail a scale of rape and sexual slavery very rarely alluded to on the German side. Please look at my other documents too you might find something interesting.

Yes , of course , this behaviour fully might be determined by racial ideology’s terms .What sense to count the raped sub-human , if they even didn’t try to count a murdered ones? I just can’t understand the phenomenon - why the contemporary historians don’t even try to research this “dark theme”- the Wermacht rapings on the East.If , as Wiki claims there were a mass rapes begining with a Poland in 1939 - why we have not a decumented scholarship books like today we have about Germany?

Wow, so much testimonies. Needs a time to study. Thanks ptimms.

Your welcome.

Germany was our ally and the Soviets our “enemy” by the late 40’s. Who wanted to drag up the fact that the Wehrmacht had raped and pillaged. The number of brothels is also alarming, even more so the Nazi’s theory that without brothels the Army would “turn” Homosexual!! This work is a worthy study needing wider reading.

The Allies might have done a combination of things leading to the general lack of knowledge (intentionally or unintentionally), lack of prosecution during the Nuremberg Trials, need to embrace West Germany as an Ally in the later 40’s, location not under Western control.
The Soviets on the other hand might not have wanted such information to be freely known, if they were to publicly acknowledge it then they would have had questions regarding their own troops.

Who can say for sure.

Yes , but despite this fact, the german ally was charged in numerious crimes against jews!The Holocaust , most of victims ( up to 90%) were the Eastern european jews , is one of the most documented and studied theme of ww2.As we know the most terrible death-camps were built in Poland.The GErmany has been obligated to pay an big compensation to jewish organisation and Israeli jews.The both east and west is filled up by the literature about holocaust.
While the crimes against eastern non-jews seems, sort of taboo in the western science.IS it possible?

Well i heard about " selective justice" over estern-front nazis criminal on the west ( but , honestly , explained it by the soviet propogand). If to re-phrase the known statement - “The writting of history is a continuation of policy”. But i wonder - the Poland is good western ally more then 10 years ( since 1999 member of NATO). Has anything changed?I’ve just checked it out, the WIKI link only for few humble polish sources ( in polish) about mass rapings of poles by Wermacht.No serious scholarship sorces there, except few terrible testimonies.

Meanwhile i found an polish site about ethnic purges near Danzig. There were organized the dozen of concentration camp for non-german civils in september of 1939.,2.htm
Google translation ( from polish to english)

here were 19 such camps, were in the following cities: Bydgoszcz, Allahabad, Chelmno, Dorposz Noble, Stone Krajeński, Karolina, Lipno, Łobżenica, Nakło, New Skarszewy So near, New on the Vistula, Piastoszyn, Plutowo, Sępolno Krajeńskie Solec Kujawski, Tuchola, Wąbrzeźno, Wolental near Skórcz, Wyrzysk. Imprisoned in these camps, Poles (both men and women and youth) in the vast majority were brutally murdered. Descriptions of the few witnesses who almost miraculously escaped death, chilling. Being shot finished off blades, rifle butts, and sometimes even buried alive. Mother forced to lay in pits dug their children, and then they beeing shot themselves. Before being shot girls and women were raped. Polish accounts of these atrocities are confirmed in the German documents. They aroused horror even among the Germans, including some soldiers. For example, the crimes committed in October 1939 in Swiecie, where he shot the Poles and the Jewish population in the local camp, the two witnesses of these crimes - atrocities outraged soldiers of the Wehrmacht made a report, which is preserved in the German archives. Some sadistic perpetrators of crimes, such as in Starogard and Łobżenicy, stood before the German courts and received convictions, but by the end of 1939 were included in the amnesty issued specifically for Hitler.

Would be interesting to watch those german documents.

Here is another interesting source, connecter to holocaust in Poland

Crimes Against Unarmed Civilians

The Wehrmacht’s treatment of unarmed civilian Poles ranged anywhere from plundering, to rapes, to outright murder. A report dated just 16 days after the invasion highlights an incident in which a Polish girl just 16 years old was forcibly raped by two soldiers in her parents’ bedroom. In another case, three soldiers broke into a house late at night and pistol-whipped members of the family in their beds. They then proceeded to rape the 20-year-old daughter at gunpoint in front of her family, eventually leaving with several of their material possessions.In the latter case, the soldiers were reported as having been arrested by field officers, but the unruliness of Wehrmacht soldiers in instances of rape was rampant in field reports.

More deep article of american author
“Victims, Heroes, Survivors: Sexual Violence on the Eastern Front During World War II”

During the great upheaval on the eastern front, unarmed civilians experienced a range of forms of sexual violence and coercion. Based on research in archives of the German military, it is clear that the German army maintained an extensive system of brothels all over occupied eastern Europe. The deliberate deprivation of life-sustaining resources and the starvation of civilians led to a less obvious, but altogether important tragedy: the willingness of many to exchange live-saving materials only with those desperate enough to sell their bodies. Prostitution and prostitutional relationships, in which a woman or girl (or occasionally a man or boy) became someone’s lover with the expectation that she could save herself and her family, flourished and caused widespread disease. In my venereal disease chapter, largely based on German occupation documents, I emphasize the incredible effort the Germans put into controlling men’s sexual activities by offering classes, lectures, and pamphlets on the duties of a good soldier and on the dangers of disease. Despite the shortage of rubber, free condoms were always available. Men were required to have themselves sanitized before and after sexual intercourse, and the “morality police” hunted down and arrested “sources of infection” (females suspected of having infected a soldier), who were forced into a gynecological examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Because of the lack of efficient treatment options, venereal disease was considered a threat to Germany’s military capabilities. Primarily in response to disease, but also out of the belief that men “need” sex, the Germans established, maintained, and documented hundreds of military brothels throughout the Reich and forced thousands to serve, either by starvation or by gunpoint. German wartime documents reveal discussions about the lack of compliance with regulations surrounding sanitation and the use of condoms, about the levels of disease, the organization of and need for brothels, the long lines at the brothels, and the workloads of the women and girls.

Organizing such a system varied from region to region. In some cases German authorities set up new brothels, and in others they took over brothels that already existed. The army medical staff attempted to ensure the absence of disease by regular examinations of the females, by the requiring the use of condoms and the sanitation of men before and after intercourse. Usually the field commander was in charge of the brothels in his area, and he worked with company and sanitation officers. Sometimes a control system was built from scratch, but despite having to register prostitutes, find houses, beds, bedding, complete paperwork and other details, the men clearly seem to have managed to get what they wanted. For example, in the spring of 1940 military authorities agreed with the civil administration in Poland that “where there was need” brothels would be opened. By October, the chief sanitation officer wrote that the establishment of Wehrmacht brothels – on a very large scale – was absolutely essential, and that already in most large cities brothels were established or were planned.

Various methods were used to staff the brothels, including the recruitment of those who already were sex workers. Others were forced to work as prostitutes, and still others were brought from camps, such as Ravensbrück. The women and girls were of different backgrounds, including Jews, Balts, and Slavs. The evidence points to a horrifying workload. I found documents attesting to brothels in which the women and girls serviced between twenty-four and forty-five men a day. According to a 1942 German military report from Poland, between 120 and 150 men came each day to the Wehrmacht brothel in Lublin, where only four or five “girls” worked. In July 1943 the monthly visitor numbers for the brothels in Lublin and Cholm were 2820 and 4081, respectively. These and other examples are found in German documents and portray an inconceivable physical and psychological demand that was placed on the women and girls.

The German state also established brothels in camps, primarily used by prisoners, and in towns all over the occupied areas. In this chapter I integrate recent research with additional records, primarily on the brothel in Buchenwald. In addition to brothels documented by others, I found references in German wartime documents to military brothels in eighteen different Polish cities, references to two brothels in Ukraine, and to brothels in Russia and the Baltic. This list does not include camp brothels, brothels in the west, an investigation of sources that state that brothels were in “most major cities,” or references from novels. Historian Christa Paul conservatively estimated that a minimum of 34,140 women worked in German state-run brothels. But this number is extremely low, considering that it does not include the brothels for foreign and slave laborers from 1943 to 1945, for the Wehrmacht from 1943 to 1945, for the SS for the entire war, nor the brothels I have documented. Thus, it seems apparent that many more women than Paul estimated worked in the system of military prostitution, and the extensive documentation calls to question the dearth of scholarship on the topic.

Sexual violence was not limited to military brothels. Civilians were raped and mutilated, and often died as a result of their mistreatment. Less documented than the rapes of Germans by Soviet men are the rapes by members of the German army. A few instances are documented in court cases, and many references exist in memoirs, testimonies, and novels. Oral histories I collected in Ukraine revealed many more cases. Punishment was rare. Especially in Slavic areas, the Germans also did not consider rape a crime. The Red Army viewed the rape of a civilian, Soviet, Polish, Slav, or German, as a well-deserved indulgence. Although rape was not a formal military tactic by either army, there was a tacit understanding that men had a right to rape. Partisans also were known to rape. These examples support the notion that many women were victims of rape, and that females in general feared sexual violence, less so from members of a particular military or cultural group, but from armed men in general, emphasizing the importance of gender.

Despite the great diversity of experiences, the irony in trying to make sense of all the combinations of perpetrators and victims is that the perpetrators were frequently intoxicated. Based on an array of archival sources, including memoirs, testimonies, German police reports, and several rape cases, it is clear that the consumption of alcohol was widespread and contributed to the ubiquity of sexual violence. With alcohol people were more willing to break regulations, such as the Rassenschande laws, and they could have experienced heightened sexual desire. With alcohol, one’s beliefs could have become more or less accentuated. Since the differentiations between, for example, Jew, Orthodox Russian, or Latvian, did not always involve obvious external distinctions, alcohol would have rendered it even more difficult for perpetrators to calculate who the person was.

Concerning race, there are no easy answers to why one rapist raped a certain female, or why members of the German army recruited any particular female into a brothel. Despite the common argument that Jews did not experience widespread sexual violence because of the racial laws, it is clear that for Jews sexual coercion and violence was a reality – either in the form of fearing it, watching it, running from it, or falling victim to it. German documents from military leaders, SS officers, and even Himmler reveal Jews and Slavs in military brothels and widespread sexual relationships with locals. The constant in the many examples is that there were armed males and unarmed females, affirming that rape and other kinds of sexual violence need to be understood as crimes of gender. Violations of racial laws by Germans were widespread, and the Soviets seem to have raped indiscriminately, Slavs and Balts alike. Both sides raped females, whether Jewish or Christian.


I think during the Cold war we were happy to blame the Nazi’s. Crimes were blamed on the SS, the Einsatzkommando’s, the Gestapo but as we needed the West German Army the myth of the “clean” Wehrmacht grew up. Let’s face it many were serving in the Bundeswehr what was to be gained by tarnishing their reputation.

Good point, ptimms. A major problem I have, for example, with the view that the Waffen-SS were “just like other/ordinary soldiers” (per Paul Hausser etc.) is, not that it prompts questions about how the Waffen-SS (or some of its units) behaved, but how “ordinary soldiers” in general behave. War has always been a brutal business for all concerned and, in history, there has been no shortage of convenient myths developed to make a post-war present more manageable. Best regards, JR.

Do you mean ordinary soldier behaved much like like ordinary SS in many cases?

Polish site
writes. Google translation.

Sex slaves of the Third Reich
Number: 17/18/2007 (1270)
Hundreds of thousands of women forced into prostitution for the Germans and their allies during World War II
Passage for German soldiers call a long passage under high building complex, which leads to the New World and in the vicinity of Jerusalem Avenue . Uniformed Germany wander about in the passage and critical eyes scan the women and girls between the ages of 15 to 25 years.
One of the soldiers pulls out a pocket flashlight and shines it one of the women boldly in the face. We turn to the blade, expressing weariness and resignation of the two faces of women. The first one can count about 30 years.
“What this old whore still here after?” - One of three soldiers laughing her face.
“Bread, sir” - asks the woman.
“Kick in the *** you can get, but no bread” - responded soldier.
The owner flashlight directs light back on our faces and figures of the girls. The most recent count maybe 15 years old, the oldest about 18th The youngest of three girls detachable coat and prying paws her body. “This is great for bed” - he said. I can not imagine what a girl feels and which sounds like an animal at the market “- wrote in 1942, Swiss driver of the Red Cross mission Franz Mawick.
Prostitution and sexual violence under occupation, until recently, was a taboo among historians. Only noisy affair with sex slaves of Japanese troops who were kidnapped into brothels from Korea and China, has made some historians interested in the problem in occupied Europe. Applications are no less shocking. American historian Wendy Jo Gertjejanssen from the University of Minnesota in the work of “Sexual Violence on the Eastern Front During World War II,” argues that sexual violence by military and police forces of the Third Reich was widespread.
first cases of rape were recorded in September 1939 when German invasion of Poland. German historian Jochen Böhler in the monograph " war of attrition - the Wehrmacht in Poland,” writes about the order issued by the Chief Army headquarters, where attention is paid to “offenses against the civilian population in occupied areas, including cases of rape.”
February 6, 1940 The Wehrmacht commander Walther von Brauchitsch directed Johannes von Blaskowitz reported. It protested against the “mass rapes, looting and murders” committed by soldiers of Hitler in Poland. Von Blazkowitz was removed from office, and 4 October 1939, the all perpetrators of rape and murder were covered by the amnesty. There is only one known case of punishing the perpetrators of sexual violence in Poland. The case concerned a gang rape, which committed on 27 September 1939, three privates in Busko Zdrój during raids on Jewish family Kaufmanów. But they were not convicted for rape, but “race defilement”.

Seems the polish historians agreed the theme was not so popular till the most recent time.