German bomber burning - German Air Force | Gallery

German bomber burning

A german bombing plane set afire by a russian bombing raid. Soldiers attempt to put out the fire.

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thats a Heinkel Greif HE:177, i think. It had 2 engines in one, it was prone to engine fires. Nevertheless it was in service and did obtain some notable success. Stupid stubborn Nazis wanted a heavy twin engine bomber. Only after they realized thier mistake did they push for a 4 engine variant of the Grief known as the He 277 with 4 engines instead of 2 combined DB 601 engines to produce the Db606 unit. this plane was only in expirements, some did fly though in service. They could of been the Axis counterpart of the famous B-17s if it weren’t for stupid Nazis like Goering. This example was probably attacked or burned by its own engines.