German bombers for the Turkey - Other Forces | Gallery

German bombers for the Turkey

Line-up of Turkish Air Force’s Heinkel He 111F-1 perhaps at Eskisehir, HQ of the Birinci Hava Tugayi (1st Air Brigade). The Turkey, already in good relations with the Germany, purchased 24 exemplars of this German bomber, one of the first version with stepped nose, delivered from 1937 and employed until 1944. On 1939 the Turkish Air Force’s He 111F-1 were in service with four Squadron (Tayyare Bolugu) of the 1st Air Regiment (1. Hava Alayi) of 1st Air Brigade with two Battalions (Tabur) each with two Aircraft Squadrons (Tayyare Bolugu): I. Tabur with the 1. Tayyare Bolugu and 2. Tayyare Bolugu; II. Tabur with the 3. Tayyare Bolugu and 4. Tayyare Bolugu. Victor Sierra

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I wonder why did Turkey not renew the old WWI alliance with Germany during WWII? As far as I know the Nazis had no issue with Turks; and were positive towards Islamic nations in general.