German L6/40 - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

German L6/40

Italian-built L6/40 light tank in German markings, Balkans, Winter 1944/'45. L6/40 machines joined other second line deployment captured tanks in supporting the extensive German anti-partisan operation in the Balkans when, following the fall of Mussolini, they were appropriated from the Italians. Best regards, JR.

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I think these small,light tanks were very well suited for the kind of landscapes the partisans tended to hide in.Bigger tanks would be too cumbersome.

Agreed, brummbar. Taking this particular example, it was always quite a decent light tank; the problem was that because of the deficiencies of Italian medium tanks, it was often used in inappropriate front line duties. In an anti-partisan role, I suspect it was a lot more useful than the relatively well-armoured and armed, but slow and clumsy Char B-bis, for example. Best regards, JR.