german machine gun squad - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

german machine gun squad

german machine gun squad

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’m not trying to attack whoever colored this, but you still got some ways to go. <br /><br />
Here’s some (hopefully constructive) criticism:<br /><br />

  1. You forgot to color one side of the wood at the bottom, as well as the waterfront-outside of the trench.<br />
    <br />2) You accidently colored the back of the MG-Loader’s cap in Skin-color, obviously mistaking it for the cheek of the gunner. <br /><br />
  2. You either forgot to color, or colored too brightly the skin of the soldiers - it’s barely noticeable, the people look like corpses. <br /><br />
  3. You (seemingly accidentally) colored the Jacket of the gunner too brightly - you managed to achieve a great Feldgrau with the other soldiers, why not this one? <br /><br />
  4. The wood inside the trench is too yellow. You should’ve tried adding more red to it, and if necessary, decreased the brightness and heightened the contrast to allow the color to be more visible. <br /><br />
    Again, I’m not trying to discourage you from coloring, but rather trying to give you advice on how to improve your work. You stil got a bit to go, though.