German prisoner's execution - Posters Artwork Documents | Gallery

German prisoner's execution

Howard Brodie noted combat artist's drawing of a German prisoner's execution during the Battle of the Bulge. Mr Brodie died 9/26/10. Google for his obit

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

He would have been shot as a spy for wearing a U.S. uniform as a German combatant…

Was that one of the Operation Greif soldiers or why was he executed?

Yes To quote the New York Times obit: One of his most disturbing sketches, of a German prisoner’s execution during the Battle of Bulge — the prisoner was part of a team that had infiltrated American lines posing as G.I.’s — was censored by the military.

“A defenseless human is entirely different than a man in action,” he later wrote, in a caption to one of the drawings. “To see these three young men calculatingly reduced to quivering corpses before my eyes really burned into my being.”