German Propaganda Posters

Little off topic
American Propaganda Poster with German Soldier

If there are anybody who can translate these please post what it says in english.PLEASE!

The 3rd german poster says Hard times-Hard dutyes-Hard hearts
The 2 nd german poster says Worker
The voice of fist
Vote for your frontsoldier
And on the 1st the bottom of the poster says “The real dutchmen?” but on the upper side i can not translate sorry.


The poster reads in russian:
“The german army protects your work!
Your appreciation is your diligence.”


About Anzio 1944.

“The crusade against bolshevism”

“The cemetrie of the Allies”

And my favorit one! :mrgreen: Very funny and … true! :wink:

The text reads:
Top: IT’s a long way to Rome.

Middle left: Diagram that shows that a snail would have covered longer distance than the Allies in Italy during the period of the invasion, 06/sep/1943 - 01/Apr/1944.

Bottom: the highest speed of a snail is 0.8m per minute.

Go to the link to see the full size:

The pictures have on them. No worry the site was good enough. Egorka that was a very nice find by you. Just the site I was looking for. Thank You.

Egorka try to upload your pictures to an external server like or because that czech site did not allow the “hotlink” and your pics are not visible right now.

German Soldier the first poster is directed to the Hollanders, it said:

-“Who is the true dutchman”

Was made for recruiting wolunteers to fight in the russian front.

Infantry, King of all arms.

Atention; spionage, beware your talking.

Germany is really your friend (in italian)

The SS police in front work.

Infantry, King of all arms.

well, actually it means QUEEN of all arms, könig is the grammatic male form (king) and königin is the female one (queen). die waffe (the weapon) is also a female form, so they choose queen.

some of the posters look quite funny by todays means, like the friendly german giving the italian viewer his hand … this bloke reminds me of jean-paul belmondo.


well, actually it means QUEEN of all arms, könig is the grammatic male form (king) and königin is the female one (queen). die waffe (the weapon) is also a female form, so they choose queen.

Jawol :mrgreen:

Indeed. IIRC the Russians had a saying about that. It goes something like “The Infantry is the Queen of the Battlefield, and Artillery is the King of war. And we all know what the King does to the Queen”.

@Panzerknacker (tankcrusher) … :wink:

okay, I guess I cannot hide my job very well … I am a teacher… but I think you got me right, I would not be too “wise”. btw: you english-speakers can be lucky, because your language does not know 3 grammatical forms that make differences to the sex of the nouns (male, female and neutrum). this is very confusing and creates great troubles for learners.


No problem Flampanzer is always nice to learn .

Some more:

In the way we fight…work you for the victory.

Women in the air defense.

It means:
Workers (in this sense here it´s meant as plural)
Of the front - of the fist (front = Stirn [ the brain is meant], here the intelectual workers are meant, like engineers)
Vote for the Frontsoldier (it´s important to say, it´s not your, it´s THE frontsoldier, because thedoctrine of the Führerkult says: Der Führer ist artgleich mit seinem Volk - he belongs to the same race and comes out of the peoples masses)


This one still looks very contemporary… can be used for promotion of gay parades. :mrgreen:

This one is not poster, but a flier dropped behind the russianlines.
Reads: “Soldiers! Hurry to come to our side! The soup is ready!”

Probably. Looks like it could be used for a promotion, but none WW2 related if you know what I mean.:rolleyes:

to German soldier, the first one is in dutch: who of these two dutch man is the real Dutchman (wie van deze 2 nederlanders is de ware nederlander)

Welcome to our forum veldm. keitel.

can be used for promotion of gay parades

The poster glorify the workers of the Reich arbeit dienst, the Reich labour service. This semi-military formation was on charge to build roads, airfields, fortifications, etc.

A nice information about the RAD is, that Dr.Ley (DAF) became direct order “from above” not to use any sorts of machines, so that more people get a working place and that the statistic of unemployees is much more lower.
In America the statistics had been very horrible, but it was a good move in the end to stay on the line wih the industrialisation and using machines, because when the war started hey got mch more manpower than the Germans - same on the russian side i may say, because they pumped out so many tractors - but Russia has a much bigger inhabitation than Germany.