German Psych War Leaflet - Posters Artwork Documents | Gallery

German Psych War Leaflet

Original German Psych War leaflet used against US Troops. Picture is worth .... 1000 words.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

OK Guys. Keep the comments scholarly. I should have posted the reverse as well. But when I saw this and bought it, I was impressed at the high quality of the color image. What an effort to capture attention. And actually the artists making the effort were possibly under the same war front restrictions as the soldiers they delivered these pamphlets too. Maybe they were expressing their OWN fears of lost girlfriends and wives in this art.

I am sure that thoughts of their own lost girlfriends featured in the creative process. Really high quality image. Artistic quality absolutely to the forefront. Also, I am sure that the late Benny Hill could have produced as suitable expletive … but I would not attempt it myself … Best regards, JR