German Re-enactment in Eastern Canada

Good Afternoon folks,

Re-enactment in Canada isn’t the largest of hobbies, mostly due to the limited knowledge of the hobby here.

This post goes out to anyone living in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. There is such a thing as Allied and German WWII re-enactment in the area.

I currently live in Montreal, and I am a member of the Kampfgruppe Haase, 2nd Panzer Division.

There are three main impression groups that fall under the umbrella of the KG;

    1. Kompanie/LSSAH 1. SS Panzer Division; SS-Panzerdivision 12.
  • Panzergrenadier Regiment 2./Panzerdivision 2. (5.Ko./Pz.Gren.Rgt.
  • Luftwaffe Ground Forces: 3rd Kompanie Fallschirmjäger Regiment 4 & Luftwaffe field Division 16.

We draw our numbers mainly from the Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal regions, and we welcome both francophones and anglophones to join us. Most of us are bilingual.

The 2nd Panzer group generally trains once a month during the spring, summer and fall seasons coupled with public events and larger scale tactical battles. Things take a slower pace during winter-time but we do try to have one training and one tactical battle in the snowy forests.

The website can be found at “” All the necessary information required can be found there but if you have any questions please do not hesistate.

Si vous êtes francophones, n’hesitez pas a me contacter pour de l’information en français.

Take care,


When you said Eastern Canada you made me all excited, thinking you were talking about the Atlantic Provinces, too :(:(:frowning:

But oh well… you should definitely take pictures and post them here or in the picture section…

J’espere que vous vous amusez

(My French has suffered since I moved to Canada - hope it’s right…)

I’m very sorry for the false hope on that one. :neutral:

I should have been more specific.

We do have one member who currently lives in Calgary, Alberta and flies to Toronto for the tactical battles. Then again he works for West Jet I believe and gets reduced fairs. :rolleyes:

You should look for other folks in your province who collect WWII stuff. One of our older members (he’s 48 I believe) had been collecting German WWII stuff for 20 years and didn’t even know that German re-enactment was taking place 30 km south of his house. lol

Votre français est tres bien. :wink:

yur with a reenactment unit? so am i im with the 1st ss but ive never gone to canada

I hear a lot of the units in the U.S.

To view the pictures of our Kampfgruppe just go to the link above “”

Most of those pictures are from tactical events in Mid-west Ontario, my unit, the 2nd Panzer Grenadier is a little far away and can only make it one or twice a year. But it’s very well organized.

Check out the Photos on the website.

Looks like you guy have alot of fun.


i will be moving to alberta soon is ther any reanactment groups in the edmonton area? i have always been looking for one but there is none in western manitoba

Hey Stefan!

I am new to the Ottawa area and have been looking for WW2 reenactors to take pictures of and see. Anyrate I had gone to the website for Kampfgruppe Haase and for some reason it is not leting me send a e-mail out to ya’ll. Fell free to get ahold of me at alasvera(at)alasvera (dot) com
I am happy to see there are groups out there that are not neo nazi’s! Anyrate I have a large portfolio of work and recently just got to work with a real ww2 vet in the US and had a great time.

Hey There Vera!

We will probably attend one or two air shows this summer near ottawa/gatineau.

Be on the look-out for us! :smiley:

Take care

Hi Stefan!

I just came across your post while researching German WWII reenactment in Montreal. My film production company is currently looking for reenactors for a 2 day teaser trailer shoot here in Montreal on February the 23rd and 24th. The film is an ode to exploitation films of the 70’s, with liberal doses of humor, action, and babes etc. We are looking for an SS officer who would be one of the main villains in this teaser, as well as a large group of soldiers for a crowd scene inside their secret base.
This is an ACTRA MIP shoot. If yourself or anyone you may know might be interested, please contact us at and we’ll provide all of the details :slight_smile:

Thank You!

Hello Stefan.
I am a young man aspiring to become a re-enactor somewhere down the road. I do have some questions about your group.
First - How old do I have to be to become a re-enactor in your group?
Second - How often do you hold ‘battle camps’ (Re-enactment training, e.g Tactics, Rifle Drill, and ‘Dying’?)
Third - How often does the group travel to a re-enactment ‘site’ over 10 hours away from Toronto?
Fourth - Are there equipment requirements? (I currently am saving for a K-98k, Feldgrau field Smock w/ boots, and already own a green Coal-Scuttle helmet)
Fifth - Does the group camp at the re-enactment site or return to a hotel for weekend-long outings?
Sixth - Is complete knowledge of the German language required? (I am taking classes)
Seventh - How often does the group re-enact with an audience? (5 times a year?)
Eighth - Is life on the job completely immersed in historical accuracy? (E.g only eat meals common in that era, only listen to music from a Phonograph, etc?)
Ninth - Are the group ranks chosen or do the members give themselves ranks? (I plan to get an Oberschutze patch)
Please email me at
with the answers (That would be extremely helpful)
P.S I am 13 years of age.

Hello A.S., a pleasure to have you on board our Site. Sadly, Stefan has not been signed in since sometime in 2011, so he may not answer your post. But perhaps some other of our group might have info that you seek. There are also many reenactment groups on Face Book, you might also look there for one that fits your interests. Feel free to stop by here any time you like, usually something good to look in on. Have a good day, -Tankgeezer

Thanks tankgeezer,
I had some doubts about ever getting a reply. Have any good knowledge of groups on FaceBook? I’ll make sure to look there.
Thanks -

Not for re-enactment groups, but a search of F.B. will show them for you.

I was always wondering of peoples who use such kind of role-playng games like ww2 german re-enactment. What is their motivation? Do they wish ( or dream) simulate only battles or the einsatzgruppen actions as well;)

I’ve been asking myself the same question for quite a long time. I’ve been to a number re-enactment events and I couldn’t understand what is driving these guys into SS and stuff like that. I mean apart from purerly historical motivation, there has to be some sort of “admiration” that makes people choose one unit, army than another.
And in this case I don’t get it. What is to admire when it comes to SS? I know, one would said that they were brilliant warriors, with exceptional fighting skills, morale, etc. But still, behind all of that, there is an ideology, which is sick, based on hatred, murder and it’s aim was to eliminate millions of people.
So maybe we should blame lack of education, knowledge?

Couple years ago I watched a BBC’s “Panorama” about re-enactment events in UK. I will never forget one British WW2 veteran intervied by the TV crew. He was shocked, that almost 90% of re-enactors there, were wearing Wehrmacht and SS uniforms. He said it made him really, really said.

I recall American comedian George Carlin making a joke about America Civil War reenactors telling them to “use live ammunition”… :mrgreen:

Hey there folks! I’d forgotten about this thread. Interesting I only got an email notification this morning.

Indeed Facebook has replaced the website I originally posted.

If you’re in the Montreal/Ottawa/Belleville area there’s 2nd panzer division that you can search up on Facebook. We do have a public group for those interested.

If you’re in the Toronto area there is the 1stSS division and the 3rd Panzer division. Both are also on Facebook I believe.

Why do people reenact SS? Honestly, the SS units had some of the worst fighting track records… taking lots of casualties. The Fallschrimjager units performed much better. The biggest reason I think people lean towards SS is because of the very different camouflage uniforms they wore. People tend to like that more than the wehrmacht splinter camo pattern.

The SS also tended to be the first units supplied with the newest equipement or weapons. Thus you may see more SS guys with STG44s.

Anyway feel free to look up the WW2 ontario reenactors Facebook group for more info about available units.

Or you may email me your questions as I am more likely to see them than on this forum.

Take care,

Cześć mate Kovalski, nice to see you again;)

I think that even SS were a brilliant warriors only relatively short time till the 1943 when the Himler has opened the SS for all sort of criminals and extremists. There comes on scene the Waffen-SS whose moral principles often were out of human limits and whose wish to fight has been determined only by their fear of retrebution for commited war crimes. I mean such sort of warriors like Bronislav Kaminski or Oskar Dirlewanger , whose “methods” and moral principles literally shocked the von Guderian.

So maybe we should blame lack of education, knowledge?

I rather think this it’s lack of …masochism in real life. Some players need to feel themself as a “bad guys”. Plus they feels sort of sexual delight of effective-looking nazis uniform.

He meant to use the afro-americans as a slaves in their fascinating games?:mrgreen: