German ww2 campaigns in games

Anybody knows a game where you can play as german in the campaign?, a game like CoD, CoD 2, Brother in Arms,that style,because BF1942 has a shitty campaign,id rather play it online.

Im bored of playing as allies.

thankyou for your help.


Codename Panzers 1&2, though its not an FPS you can play as the Germans. I don’t think there are any FPS games where you can play as the Germans, it may be seen as glorifying the Nazis.

good!,thankyou,i know that there are FPS where you play as nazis like RTCW, DoD, Bf1942,but there are no campaigns for them (the BF1942’s campaigns isn’t a campaign,just maps in different orders).
If that don’t glorifies the nazis then a campaign shouldn’t.

Grazie :slight_smile: .


I agree, but it is a risk for the games companys to take as they may get bad press and media from it.


I agree, but it is a risk for the games companys to take as they may get bad press and media from it.[/quote]
you are right.

good avatar btw!,i like it 8) .

Why does everyone have to say NAZI’s? Why not Wermacht… If i spelt it right :confused:

Because the Wehrmacht were not the ones who killed millions of people, the Wehrmacht is just the German armed forces and was so before Hitler. The Nazis were the ones who were responsible not the Wehrmacht so its best to keep the two seperate. The portrail of the Wehrmacht being “the good side” in a game may lead un-educated/ignorate people to just think “German military ww2, they must be nazis, they killed jews ect this game must support that” That would clearly not be the case but to Joe Bloggs it may seem that way.

Because the Wehrmacht were not the ones who killed millions of people, the Wehrmacht is just the German armed forces and was so before Hitler. The Nazis were the ones who were responsible not the Wehrmacht so its best to keep the two seperate. The portrail of the Wehrmacht being “the good side” in a game may lead un-educated/ignorate people to just think “German military ww2, they must be nazis, they killed jews ect this game must support that” That would clearly not be the case but to Joe Bloggs it may seem that way.[/quote]

I don’t think the game should be kill jews,the gas chamber,and the civilians assasination,that would be inhuman,i think that it can be to play a soldiers’ battle, no war crimes,a clean game,just like DoD.

Good point about the Werhmacht!.

However when we talk historically not all german soldiers called “nazis” would deserve that name-calling,because not all of them tortured jews,indeed those were are minority.



Its a sensible subject.
I dont think were going to see a FPS game like call of duty2 were you play as a german in at least a couple of years.
But there is a great mod to call of duty were you play as german.
And in BF1942 (german front mod).

Yup i post topic about GFM,check it.

I don’t any games with a German campaign. And SS Tiger every thing you stated about the Wehrmacht is false revisionist history.

Couldn’t agree more. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to actually talk about the German side of the Second European Civil War without being called a racist, anti-semite, or whatever. David Irving is in jail…as are other great people.
Heh, look what they did to Mel Gibson.

I won’t play these games unless I can either play on the German side or it’s in the Pacific theater (which to me is an entirely different war).

Hail our Nordic folk!

Mate continue with this bullshit and you’ll end banned. It is an informal warning.

I don’t know about FPS because I don’t play FPS. Too boring for me (after Delta Force series I quit playing FPS).

What about Blitzkrieg and Blitzkrieg 2 ? Or for all of you “Games=FPS period”?

You could easily play allied/soviet/german campaign.

You can play the Axis in the mighty Combat mission series. In fact you can even play the SS!

There are many games where you can take part as German or Japanese leaders. Politics aside, I think the reason why you see more games from the Allies perspective because it is just more dramatic that way. In the European War, Germany conquered most of Europe within a year or two, and similar with the Pacific War where Japan did it in like 6 months. If you play one of these Axis countries, you’ll start with a mighty military that can conquer to your heart’s content with little opposition (no challenge=no fun), play defensive for a bit when you’re outstretched, then realize the Allied juggernaut was about to roll over you and you can’t do anything about it. What’s the fun in that?

Hi Dani.
Blitzkrieg and Blitzkrieg 2( continie of SiddenStrike series) have the outstanding possibility to pass company for any belligerent in WW2.
This game made Russians with the Ukrainians. Blitzkrieg is my dear tactical strategy about the war.
Now there is even the steeper toy - “Faces of War” (also russian-ukrainian company Best Way) and “Faces of War-2”.

Leaving the nazi question a side ( a hard thing to do I know…) but honestly I hope that in the future we can have some game of the quality of CoD to play a german campaign on it, I think the most likely to do that are the russian game creators, the american “chauvinism” is still too strong to give away some prejudices.

dudes why the hell would u play as the german the lost the war wats gonna happen at the end u get shot in the head wake up to urselfs they cant make such a game

Actually I think if they make a game where you play as the Germans,it may make people think that they were normal people like you and me.