German WWII songs

Flieger Emperor
Nice songs.

more from 2007 archives:

Germans WW2 songs and music

Oh yeah, a place called Soldatenlieder has some good stuff.
MP3s you can put into your Ipod;)
Ade Polenland rulez

My new favorite-
saw it in an anime called Hellsing OVA.

Anyone doesn’t? The NSDAP hymn the Nazis tried to declare as a second german national hymn.

I didn’t ^^. At least I never heard it sung before.

Not even the melody???

Possibly. Maybe if I heard it, I’d remember it, but not right now

Here you go Schuultz:
I guess Flame can get in trouble to watch this, being in Germany.:mrgreen:

…not so much by watching the link.:wink:
But -as I mentioned somewhere before- playing, singing or even humming it in public would cause a penalty starting with a fine or up to three years of prison in the worst case.

… interesting.

Did you listen to the SS March song in the recommended playlist? Spooky!

Could someone give me a synopsis of this? All the lyrics are in German. And I don’t know it.:frowning:

sure thing.

SS marches into enemy’s land
And sings a devil’s song
A rifleman stands at the Volga’s beach
And silently hum’s along
We flout at the Upper and Lower [as in social classes, i assume: schuultz]
And the entire world can
Damn us or praise us
However one likes

Where we are it always moves forwards
And the devil laughs along
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
We’re fighting for Germany
We’re fighting for Hitler
And the Reds will never have peace

Where we are it always moves forwards
And the devil laughs along
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
We’re fighting for Germany
We’re fighting for Hitler
And the Reds will never have peace

We already fought in many a battle
In the North, South, East and West
And we are standing prepared for the fight
Against the Red Plague
SS will not rest, we exterminate
Until nobody disturbs Germany’s peace anymore
And [even] if our rows thin out
For us, there is no retreat

Where we are it always moves forwards
And the devil laughs along
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
We’re fighting for Germany
We’re fighting for Hitler
And the Reds will never have peace

Where we are it always moves forwards
And the devil laughs along
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
We’re fighting for Germany
We’re fighting for Hitler
And the Reds will never have peace

It’s spooky, and shows the SS attitude pretty well, if you ask me. This song is obviously aimed mainly against the Soviets.

Thanks Schuultz! That is creepy. To laugh with the devil at your own demise.:shock:

I don’t think they thought of the Devil as laughing exclusively at their demise, I think they thought more of all the dead Russians they would leave in their tracks.

Though from our modern standpoint, the devil might just laugh because he knows they run into their doom…

And it’s obvious they were aware that if they lose/in their enemies eyes they are going to be damned, whereas the Nazis will hail them.

See? I can’t watch the youtube-links you guys posted.
“This video is not available in your country”

…but I can give you “Rot scheint die Sonne” - the german paratroopers’ hymn

Well, I guess you need an IP-hiding program… you could also try Google Video, they don’t have as many restrictions as YouTube, oddly enough…:smiley:

Do you remember the “No fun with the Hun” thread? You gave a link to “Panzerlied” and I found “Horst Wessel lied” in other videos options beside that video.

Maybe they have been blocked by now, too? YouTube sometimes needs a while to take action against videos. Definitely worth checking out.

And I’m positive he’s talking about the SS Marching Song, not the other ones.