Germans (Hitler and few others) did not take Russia seriously… by automn there was talk of scaling back war production!!!
No clear objectives were really set… and what objectives they were aiming for… Hitler always changed his mind. Waste time… resources!
No serious developments in tanks and aircraft took place after the fall of france.
Hitler did not listen to his generals.
Weren’t prepared for Russian winter! (Winter clothing sat in Polish railyards)
Treating the civilian population who considered the Germans as ‘liberartors’ like sh*t turned supporters into enemies!
No long range bombers to bomb Russian production centers.
Total war was not implemented until after Kursk? (I believe)
Mobile defence would of worked in retreat… but Hitler never wanted to give ground… too many good soldiers and precious tanks were lost this way!
Basically Hitler running the war… he should of just kept to motivating the country… and not put so much faith into incompetent leaders such as Goering… and Himmler… Just not smart enough.
I’m just throwing out ideas here… but had the Germans reached Moscow when they should of… there may not of been a 41, 42’ Russian counteroffensive… many of the german generals who knew what they were doing would not of been fired… and Hitler wouldnt’ of become commander in chief! (Pure speculation here)
Please add to this… or correct me anywhere! I love discussing WW2! 8)