Germans invading Russia

I’m doing a report and my topic is:

Do you agree or disagree that germany’s decision to invade the Soviet Union was the primary causes of Germany’s Ultimate defeat?
a) Explain Germany’s mistake in Russia and the ways in which they affected the outcome of the war.

My reasons are that the winter was brutally harsh, and that the german armies were not prepared for a russian winter. Also once the soviet army turned its production around into a military machine, it was prepared for germany.

Any Help here?

Umm… so you want us to write your essay for you?

Edit: couple of factors you may want to read up on. One is the sheer size of lend-lease (worth something like 2 million soldiers to the Soviets) and another is German strategic planning. Or to be exact, the complete lack of it.

Try to find websites that will tell you what the Germans did and what the Russians did and look at other factors wich brought Germany to its knees. Look at the Russian winter and how Germany was prepaired for it. Look at Stalingrad and the battle their.

You will find all your info on websites and also look at History books on WW2 in the Library.

Are you studying History at school?


I would say Germanys lack of a solution with the UK was the main factor. |If germany had managed some settlement in the West, then there would never have been an issue of a Second front.

Agree and check German Millitary forum and Russian too ,and Archive room thers a lot topics and post about that as i remember.

Cn this help you

Yes, thanks mate I forgot about that.


Germans (Hitler and few others) did not take Russia seriously… by automn there was talk of scaling back war production!!!

No clear objectives were really set… and what objectives they were aiming for… Hitler always changed his mind. Waste time… resources!

No serious developments in tanks and aircraft took place after the fall of france.

Hitler did not listen to his generals.

Weren’t prepared for Russian winter! (Winter clothing sat in Polish railyards)

Treating the civilian population who considered the Germans as ‘liberartors’ like sh*t turned supporters into enemies!

No long range bombers to bomb Russian production centers.

Total war was not implemented until after Kursk? (I believe)

Mobile defence would of worked in retreat… but Hitler never wanted to give ground… too many good soldiers and precious tanks were lost this way!

Basically Hitler running the war… he should of just kept to motivating the country… and not put so much faith into incompetent leaders such as Goering… and Himmler… Just not smart enough.

I’m just throwing out ideas here… but had the Germans reached Moscow when they should of… there may not of been a 41, 42’ Russian counteroffensive… many of the german generals who knew what they were doing would not of been fired… and Hitler wouldnt’ of become commander in chief! (Pure speculation here)

Please add to this… or correct me anywhere! I love discussing WW2! 8)

It is at least arguable that this is one of Hitler’s better ideas. Remember that the German army successfully held in place with relatively low casualties throughout the winter. Napoleon’s Grande Armee in similar circumstances retreated and was very nearly exterminated on the retreat.

Im not looking for someone to right my essay (im not that dishonest, i mean really comeon.)

I found some little things like on the bbc site about Stalin’s turnaround of russia abnd how they became very powerful in such little time.

How much of Call of Duty 2 is authentic?

Iam give you link What go wrong in russia and search forum little i know thers a lot of post about that check archive room agian,and Call of Duty authentic who knows :roll: :roll: we are in off- topic guys whatch out in ww2 games forum is topic about call of duty and call of duty 2. :wink:

In Call of Duty Big Red one the sqoud is real, but the people in it I do not know, but I do not think that all of the people are real.

In Call of Duty Finest Hour on PS2 the sniper girl is real and the battles in it is also real, but yet again I do not know about the people.

Did you ever watch Enemy at the Gates? If you have not then check it out it si realy good.


It is at least arguable that this is one of Hitler’s better ideas. Remember that the German army successfully held in place with relatively low casualties throughout the winter. Napoleon’s Grande Armee in similar circumstances retreated and was very nearly exterminated on the retreat.[/quote]

Yes one could argue that… but at that time the German army was still relatively strong. I was leaning more to the period of… after Kursk… when the Russians were stronger than the Germans. Look what happened after Kursk… the Russians did exactly what the Germans had done in 41… caught huge amounts of men and material in encirlements… and destroyed them. A mobile defence… while counter attacking could of saved alot of German soldiers… and prolong the war.

Im not looking for someone to right my essay (im not that dishonest, i mean really comeon.)

Was this directed at me? Or everyone? I may of went overboard in my answer but I love discussing WW2 and anyone can agree or disagree with my view :smiley: But I was just throwing out ideas… So how did your project go :?:

still working on it, im writing the outline, i finished a web.

I’m doing a paragraph on the russian winter and was wondering, wat did the russians wear, compared to their german counterparts. I know the germans were freezing their behinds off while the russians were soemwhat better,

Well, if you’ll consider the vodka factor, you’ll have a view. :wink:

Remember the Russians were use to the cold and also had the right gear to be able to fight in the winter and also the vodca to help even more.

If the Germans had the right equipment to fight in the winter they could have done something instead of freezing their buds off.


Were the russian people oppressed, or did they at least hate their government?

They were oppresed and hate their govermant because of the things Stalin did. Read up about the things he did.

At first the Russians were glad to see the Germans but later hated them because of the things they did and started to get more patriotic and fight for their govermant.

Stalin said that the soldiers will defend Stalingrad even if they must fight wiht bricks.

How would you feel wiht such mad basterd?


I’m curious as to why anyone would think Vodka is a factor in extreme cold conditions. What do YOU think it does?