Germans WW2 songs and music

Helly folks.
Reading the thread about russian patriotic music i thought - what is about Nazy songs?
Do somebody know where download the Nazy songs.
I hope this is not forbidden here coz our friend Panzerknacker has already linked to the Nazy Wochenschau propogandic move;)
I just just do not wish to browse the neo-nazy sites to search this music.
Might anybody help me?


Here are some links to German Marches at YouTube for a start:

Panzerlied German Tank March - (from the movie Battle of the Bulge)

Panzerlied. the remake - (original version)

And more variations of Panzerlied at YouTube:

Erika - German March

Erika - German March with lyrics

Third Reich Magazine Erika - to the tune of Erika



More German Marches:

It is getting late now so I’ll catch you tomorrow. :wink:

And here you have another, indeed beautifully orchestrated and superbly interpreted WW2 era German marching song, my dear Mr. Chevan – the very original variant of the Westerwaldlied, also known as Oh, du schöner Westerwald, that was composed by a Joseph Neuhäuser, ex-student of the best German armed forces military music school in Gelsenkirchen, and a post-graduate of the Conservatoire de Paris. Another interesting fact connected with his personality is the verity that he actually served in 1916 on the Russian front as a Musikmeister (Music Master, Conductor – In - Chief) of the Reichswehr.

Song is located here:

And his detailed personal biography is located here:

Have some nice musical moments – I am assuring you that this melody is truly tremendous!

In the meantime, as always - all the best!

Lily Marlene anyone :confused:

Why of course :slight_smile:

Marlene Dietrich (December 27, 1901 – May 6, 1992) was a German-born actress, entertainer and singer.

Click here to listen to her sing Lili Marlene in English and in German:

A nice video/music tribute to Marlene Dietrich at YouTube:

Lili Marlene in German and English by various artists:

Lili Marlene in English by the Dutch group BZN

The Official Lili Marleen Page - Various Artists in German, English and other languages:

Lili Marlene - Lyrics:

Oh thank George and guys.
How do yo do honorable mst Librarian?

I heard she gave much aid and comfort to many US soldiers during WWII. :wink:

Well Geroge can yo help me to fing the Nazy Hitlerugend song. I’ve heared it in the famouse “Third Reich in Colore” film. It was a anthem of Nazy teenagers.I just can’t to remind the words …
Also in the “NaPoLa” film the teenager song it…


I heard she gave much aid and comfort to many US soldiers during WWII. :wink:


I’ve heard some of those stories myself. :wink:


I think this is the song you were looking for:

Unsere Fahne flattert uns voran - Hitlerjugend

Hitlerjugend - Unsere Fahne Flattert Uns Voran

Hitlerjugend Marsch

Cross of Iron - movie intro Hänschen klein

Hänschen kleinänschen_klein

Horst Wessel Lied - probably the most famous of the nazi songs.

Horst Wessel song Sturmabteilung - another rendition.

Almost feel like wrapping it in a brown paper bag.

I believe this song was traditionally played at German military funerals.

Ich hatte einen Kameraden (I Had A Comrade)

Alte Kameraden (Old Comrades)

Alte Kameraden (Old Comrades)

The song Lilli Marlene was originally sung by Lale Andersen.

Marlene Dietrich leave Germany in wartime and the Germans never forget that. Even after the war she did’t find her way back.
I dont like the Marlene Dietrich version ether …

To each his own - you’ll find Lale Anderson’s version at:

The Official Lili Marleen Page - Various Artists in German, English and other languages:

Oh, thank you, my dear Mr. Chevan – right now I’m quite well. Although I have had some difficulties with my computer, that depressing quandary – fortunately – now represents merely an unpleasant yarn.:slight_smile:

And I think that I have discovered some interesting material for you. As always, it has a highly intriguing background. You see, although a XVIII century musical masterpiece called “Alter Jägermarsch”, composed by German musician Heinrich Homann and traditionally attributed to the Prussian Jägers and also adopted by Swiss army as Sechseläutenmarsch, actually is not representing a song but a classicistic military march, it has some curious characteristics: it actually represents the only military march in the whole history of armed forces of the world that was regularly and evenly used in two completely different nation-state armies - in the German and in the Russian army, equally !

While composed in the old Prussia, it was supposedly so beloved by Russian Emperor Alexander the First that he ordered its introduction to the Russian army in 1813. The Russian version of the march, slightly altered in its musical dynamic, and generally known as “Марш императора Александра I” , apparently have been already in use well in Suworow’s time, but officially it was primarily mentioned in a march-collection arranged by Great Music Master of the Russian Imperial Court, Mr. Anton Dörfeldt, and preliminarily published in 1809, as well as in 1816. Original German melody that leads back to the time of the wars of 1813/1815, undertaken toward liberation of Prussia of French occupation and suppression, has a straight and strict cadence; officially adopted Russian variant – although stringently paced in accordance with the German original - however, is refreshingly lighter and lusciously faster, basically more Slavonic in its temper than the original, German version. :smiley:

If you wish, you will be able to compare these nowadays completely forgotten examples of bygone Russo-German military cooperation. Unfortunately, the only freely accessible variant of the German version is located here:

And that also beautifully orchestrated Russian variant, interpreted by members of the eminent Военно-духовой оркестр under the conductor Иван Васильевич Петров, is located here:

Being in hope that this possibility for unrestrained comparison of truly unique musical masterpieces will bring some pleasurable moments to you, I remain sincerely yours, with best wishes.:wink:

Yes my dear friend you’ve found it;)
Thanks a lot this is
“Unsere Fahne flattert uns voran”- the famous song the nazy pioneers.
BTW what does mean from Germnans?

Yes dear Librarian i knew that the Alexander I march has a Prussian roots;)
Newertheless thanks for the infor and care;)
Your posts really have always the highly intriguing background.


[qote]“Unsere Fahne flattert uns voran”- the famous song the nazy pioneers.
BTW what does mean from Germnans?[/quote]

“Our flag is fluttering us ahead”

]quote]Your posts really have always the highly intriguing background.[quote]

Thank you for your kindness, my dear Mr. Chevan. So here is another musical quandary for you – do you know which originally NSDAP-ordered and subsequently by SA troopers frequently performed, intrinsically socially intonated marching song, was officially incorporated into the communistic block as an international symbol of the working class struggle? I am assuring you – that one is musically superbly arranged too! :slight_smile:

And please, don’t worry - I know that I owe you certain information about various half-forgotten airplanes constructed in USSR, but don’t worry – I shall pay that liability very soon. In the meantime – all the best. :wink:

You’re welcome Chevan :slight_smile:

“Unsere Fahne flattert uns voran”:

“Our banner flutters before us”
“Our Flag Flutters in Front of Us”

The History Place - Hitler Youth

The Fahnenlied (Banner Song) written by Hitler Youth Leader Baldur von Schirach, is sung here by Berlin Hitler Youth members, ending with the final refrain…

Unsere Fahne flattert uns voran
(Our banner flutters before us)
Unsere Fahne ist die neue Zeit
(Our banner represents the new era)
Und die Fahne führt uns in die Ewigkeit!
(And our banner leads us to eternity!)
Ja, die Fahne ist mehr als der Tod
(Yes, our banner means more to us than death)

Schirach at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (1946) :

“I bear the guilt for having trained the young for a man who murdered millions. I believed in that man. That is all I can say in my defense.”

Sorry for interference, honorable Mr. Eller, but aforementioned translation actually is erroneous one. You see, that FLAG LEAD US/FLUTTER US ahead.

German expression “fluttert” represents the Present Continuous Tense of the German verb “fluten” (to flatter, to wave, to flap) – therefore “…is fluttering” is perhaps more appropriative expression.

It has to be mentioned that The New York Times, however, considers aforesaid expression as a variant of the Present Simple Tense – “Our Flags Lead Us Forward”. Perhaps this translation – due to its clarity - is the most acceptable one. Here you have the link:

Finally it has to be mentioned that English expression “flutters us” is not very usual, but nevertheless correct one, especially in poetry:

Ah, love makes slaves of us all in the end, she flutters us, moulds us, makes us scream and then chains us once we are broken.”

But never mind – the most important thing is that we all know the accurate meaning of those words.:slight_smile:

BTW - That material about Lockheed P 80 is absolutely magnificent. Thank you very much for that piece of information. I shall be there very soon as well. :wink:

In the meantime - all the best.

Thank you kind sir for the clarification :slight_smile:

“Our Flags Lead Us Forward” it is then.

I am very glad that you enjoyed the article about the Lockheed P 80. Many thanks for the compliments. I have also found your posts to be very well researched and informative.

I would also like to compliment you sir on your very proficient and eloquent use of the English language. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Best Wishes,