germansoldier crap


And that was me back in the day:


Oh my god !!:wink:
My congradulations sir for your excellent health :smiley:

Where were you born in Germany?..just assuming there but hard to say because the Waffen SS consisted of many foreigners.

Wolf, I’m so sorry to hear what happened to your mother and sister.:frowning: Did they make it out? If not, then I’m doubly sorry for what you had to go through. I just finished watching Band of Brothers and it illustrated beautifully the cruelty and confusion of war on both sides. Men were fighting against one another who might otherwise have been good friends under normal circumstances. Not sure which famous person coined the phrase: War is Hell, but it is certainly true. I don’t think any of the men who fought in WWII on both sides would ever wish war on anyone.

Very cruel of what they did, taking away family. I only called you sir because you used to be in the army thats all… Wolf.

Greetings Wolfgang. I’m sorry to hear this, but at the same time thank you for sharing this with us.

Looks like you had the worst of both worlds. :frowning:

So Wolfgang, you are requested to anwser on 2 questions.

O my god.
In your place afte this i’m could take the sniper rifle and shoot somebody of nazy SS commanders. Then i simply commit suicide.
But here is one problem. In this way i was worried about your father and rest relatives. Nazy easy could kill them all in revenge for.


Sorry Wolf, again this story while sounding good in a book or movie is not how the Germans operated. If you had been a real German conscript then you would have received your notice and gone to the alloted gathering point.

The reason you would have done this is because you believed in the Third Reich from your HJ days and your time in the RAD. You also knew that if you failed to comply YOU would have been arrested and shot / hanged for desertion.

No other cohersion was needed.

Historic note the 9th SS Panzer division was formed from RAD conscripts; German military indoctrination started young, all boys had to serve in the HJ, this was followed by a stint (I think a year) in the RAD (labour force that was quasi-military with drill instruction, manual labour, living in barracks and sports activities) this was followed by compulsory military service.

Gentlemen, please read my urgent, dearest apology

This is why we should always question what comes at us. This kid was faking a vetern and has turned out to be a good member. I dont condone what he did but at least he admitted it. Ive deleted his posts concerning it coz the are BS. I know this thread is called germansoldier crap but its about Wolfgang Von Gottberg. Keep your senses to you and remember we are here to question and history and find the truth. Not to listen to wannabe’s.

know this thread is called germansoldier crap but its about Wolfgang Von Gottberg. Keep your senses to you and remember we are here to question and history and find the truth

I mixed up the member, sorry to german soldier… :neutral: