germany remote bombs

germany would acutually build a small car full of explosive (let’s call this car B), another car with a driver can control car B with his radio control, the driver is to drive car B to enemy and make the bomb explode. do you know if this weapon is effective or not? more info about this kind of weapons is also welcome

I have never heard about this before, I have however heard of the german engineers using little remote control cars with tank treads on em as tank busters. They were never effective, a local museum where I used to live had one on display. I have never been able to find any other info on it.

why are they ineffective? are they simuliar to those sucuide attack today in isreal?, except the germany way wouldnt need to cost a human life if the mission went well

As I know, russian were using small caterpillar anti-tank torpeds with wire control, and specially trained anti-tank dogs at the time of WW2.

I dont know, the German Engineers were never able to completly disable tanks with them. I think they werent packed with enough explosives. The ones I am talking about were meant to knock out the tanks treads.

Werent they called the Golith tanks or something.???..i think there is a pic in the image gallery.

Yes, SdKfz.302 ‘Goliath’ it was guide by wire, not remote control.

I cant imagine that they would be to effective. Although it is a cool concept. Amazing how much modern technology comes from what the Germans did during WW2.

Well the Germans had radio control Gliding bombs so a tracked vehicle would be no surprise really :slight_smile:

what if they mass produce the car and make the bomb bigger with bullet proof shell

The German People are very creative thinkers, which you can see when you hear about ideas liek this lol. It wouldn’t surpirse me though.

I much prefer remote bombs to those that are close to me.

If the Germans has changed the gloiath tank to wheels instead of track.
would it be possible to use it when allied troops tried to take the beach, the german would just drive the gloiath tank to them and make it explode? since its no longer run on track, the tank might be much faster and able to take allied troops in surprise