Gert Schramm - Modern/Post-War Photos | Gallery

Gert Schramm

At age 15, Gert Schramm was arrested by the Gestapo under Third Reich's racial laws and eventually deported to Buchenwald. He largely attributes his survial to the efforts of his fellow inmates, mostly Jewish, who took incredible steps to protect him. Many of those fellow inmates did not survive the war. Though unfortunately today there exist much hostility between both the Black and Jewish communities in the US - historically there exists a great deal of solidarity between both groups, including - but not limited to - the collective formation of the NAACP and early civil rights organizations.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I can’t work out why so many people are so often on HarryRoy’s back. I personally find his writings to be usually well considered, balanced and couched in non-inflammatory terms. Unlike many of his critics. (and I’m not just referring to this post.)

Not to worry, he’ll be back under a different name I’m sure…