Gestapo major, 1945 - German Forces | Gallery

Gestapo major, 1945

Is he really Gestapo? Or other branch? Did the Gestapo also sport the Totenkopf insignia?

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Uhm, "Gestapo" means "Geheime Staatspolizei" (secret state police), so if they were wearing uniforms how secret would they be?

JOhn Avery (Jack) Bice I believe was an American Combat photographer during WW2 and based in Santa Fe,New Mexico, USA. It would appear (after talking to many vets) that anybody wearing SS uniform were considered to be ‘Gestapo’. We all know different today but 65 years ago there was still much to be learned, hence the ‘umbrella’ classification of this terminology.