Gheorghe I. Enachi - Romanian Forces | Gallery

Gheorghe I. Enachi

Gheorghe I. Enachi, din Lungesti, jud. Galati, Romania, disparut in 1944 din Basarabia.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Well, you won’t find any info in here! If he was a solder, then you should contact and tell them the name, unit he served with, year of birth, location he disappeared etc. maybe they have something for you. If he was an civilian and you know the exact location where he disappeared and you suspect he was executed by the soviets in 1944, as I have read on your blog, then you should go there and ask the old people maybe they know where he was buried. If he was captured and sent to Siberia and died on the way there, you have little chance to discover something, if he died in the prison camp, then, maybe you have a little chance to discover something in Russian archives, Red Cross, or Good luck and regards!