Glass mine - German Forces | Gallery

Glass mine

The Glasmine 43 was an anti-personnel mine used by the Germans during World War II. In order to make the mine less detectable, the entire body is made from glass. Aside from being less detectable, the use of less metal was beneficial because it saved this valuable war resource for other uses. At first, only mechanical igniters were used; with later models, chemical igniters would be used. In 1944 and 1945 11 million mines were produced, at the end of the war 9.7 million were still in the stocks.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I remember something about a U.S. Army engineering vehicle or recovery truck being destroyed with its driver killed near the Hurtgen Forest in 1944. His remains rested inside the cab for over 20 years because unfortunately the truck’s final parking place was in a nest of these mines, and it was far too dangerous to recover the vehicle and extricate him…