Glorification of Nazism

For all the guys out there who worship at the temple of Nazism please read this for the other side of the coin:

Thats a pretty involved account…

Just goes to show that the Nazi war machine wasn’t all “pretty cool” uniforms.

Well what kind of f*ckwitted pillock would say such a thing anyway?

Was it somebody here? My memory is genuinely failing me. :?

Surely anyone in their right mind or even with half a brain would know that… They’ve had 60 years to figure it out. Only a complete moron or fascist apologist prick would have let the horror of the SS pass over their heads. :shock:

But then, there’s one born every minute. :wink:

Well what kind of f*ckwitted pillock would say such a thing anyway?

Was it somebody here? My memory is genuinely failing me. :?

Surely anyone in their right mind or even with half a brain would know that… They’ve had 60 years to figure it out. Only a complete moron or fascist apologist prick would have let the horror of the SS pass over their heads. :shock:

But then, there’s one born every minute. :wink:[/quote]

Well, there´s twonks that do exactly the same thing for Communism, even though that killed far more people…

shut up

shut up[/quote]

Wow, reasoned debate there… NOT, I bet you didnt even read the link?

shut up[/quote]

Oooh, sorry. I didn’t realise you were the resident SS idolator. Clearly a statement you identified with though… but regardless, I think I stand by what I said about those who idolise the SS, and I’m not really sorry.

If any moderator wants to give me a warning for calling people who think the SS war machine was just all pretty uniforms a “f*ckwitted pillock”, or for saying “Only a complete moron or fascist apologist prick would have let the horror of the SS pass over their heads” - please be my guest. I’ll wear that warning with pride if it’s the price for making such remarks.

And just imagine that this was going on day after day,village after village,town after town,in so many countries.
Horror is such a poor word to describe this.

on the “der untergang” board in, there are neo-nazis flooding garbage…

neo-nazis are shit ,i hate them .

neo nazis are arrseholes

There are still trash humans like this still exist, even today.

this “woman” posted:

How did you guess? Russians soldiers are scum. They were scum in the WWII and they are still scum today. Their officers are weak and incompetent morons who do not know what discipline is. Russian soldiers still rape and murder indiscriminately. I am glad they are fighting the Chechens. I hate Muslim extremists too. It’s fun to watch Russian soldiers and Chechen terrorists kill each other.

It’s unbelievable that some people can defend the actions of Red Army soldiers. They are probably people blinded by hate. I am not a bleeding-heart liberal; I do not oppose the Allied bombing campaign that helped win the war. However, I would never condone the actions of those barbaric Soviet soldiers. The world has never before seen mass rape at such a scale. British, America and German soldiers rarely engage in those kinds of activities, and when they did they were severely punished. It’s because they were well disciplined soldiers with good officers. American soldiers were hanged for such crimes. The Red Army was a collection of peasants led by officers who didn’t give a damn about their soldiers’ lives.

Sorry my little Soviet apologist, but it’s the truth. It was good that twenty-seven million Russians died fighting the Germans. I’m glad the Germans destroyed every town and city west of Moscow. It was those actions that prevented a communist Europe. The Russians have never recovered from the spanking the Germans gave them, and the world is a better place for it. We were very lucky that the world’s two worst regimes existed concurrently and they fought each other. The Nazis were destroyed and the Soviets should have been. The fact that they weren’t is one of the real tragedies of the Second World War. There would have been nothing better than German generals assassinating Hitler and making peace with the west. Then they could have sent their western armies to the East and sorted out the Soviets once and for all. German industry would have thrived because there would be no more bombing raids by the allies. The Russians would not have stood a chance since a German unit of 10,000 was superior to a Russian unit of 100,000. Churchill, a vehement anti-communist, may very well have joined the effort under the pretext of protecting Eastern Europe from communism.

shut up[/quote]

Erwin, what is the reason for your comment ?

shut up[/quote]

Erwin, what is the reason for your comment ?[/quote]
that i like the ss,and he is talking about me.

and im not moron or fascist,i like their attacks,no their tortures.

shut up[/quote]

Erwin, what is the reason for your comment ?[/quote]
that i like the ss,and he is talking about me.

and im not moron or fascist,i like their attacks,no their tortures.

Why do you think Festamus is talking about you ?

EDIT to delete whole post. What’s the point after all. He identifies with SS idolatory. He can make himself look bad all by himself.

no,i don’t look bad.
im proud of me

And you seem worryingly proud of the SS’ achievements too… which makes a lot of people’s skin crawl.

umm, erwin admires the army professionals of the Waffen-SS. Not the war criminals present in elements of the waffen-ss and the rest of the the SS organization.