Gloster Meteor! The First Allied Jet Fighter.



The first Meteor to actually fly took to the air on 5 March 1943, with Michael Daunt at the controls. It was the fifth in the prototype manufacturing sequence and was fitted with de Havilland Halford H.1 turbojets, the ancestor of the Goblin. This particular engine fit led to the sixth prototype, which flew on 12 July 1945 and featured full-development de Havilland Goblin engines. The sixth prototype was to lead to a “Meteor Mark II (G-41B)” series. However, de Havilland wanted to reserve Goblin production for their Vampire fighter. The Meteor Mark II didn’t enter production, and operational Meteors would never feature Goblin engines.

The third prototype featured another unusual engine fit, being powered by MetroVic F.2 axial-flow engines in oversized nacelles. It flew in November 1943, but although other axial-flow engines would be tested on later versions of the Meteor, all operational Meteors would be fitted with centrifugal-flow engines.

The other prototypes were fitted with variations on the W.2B engine, except for the eighth, which was fitted with Rolls-Royce Derwent I engines. This aircraft flew on 18 April 1944, and pointed the way to operational Meteor marks.

  • There was uncertainty about production of the Meteor for some time. The jet engines available at the time were clearly “fuel hogs” and the Meteor necessarily had limited range, making it only suitable as a interceptor. Since the bombers of the German Luftwaffe were no longer a real threat to the British Isles, and to the extent that they were they could be dealt with by current fighters, there was no immediate reason to disrupt critical production of existing aircraft to field the Meteor. Test and development of the Meteor continued for the time when it would be needed.

By mid-1943 intelligence reports of new German jet aircraft and missiles indicated that time was coming near, and led to the first production Meteor, the “Mark I (G-41A)”, which was basically used for operational evaluation. 20 were built by Gloster, with the first flying on 12 January 1944. They were fitted with Rolls-Royce W.2B / Welland I engines with 7.55 kN (770 kgp / 1,700 lbf) thrust each. The Meteor I had a “clear-view” canopy instead of the heavy framed canopy of the prototypes.

The Meteor I was fitted with four 20 millimeter Hispano Mark III cannon, though six had been specified in the original G.41 requirement, and in fact one of the prototypes had mounted six. However, one pair of cannon was so mechanically inaccessible that under some circumstances ground crews would have had to remove them while they were still loaded. This was a dangerously accident-prone condition; any experienced military person knows that if stupid accidents can happen, they will, and so those two cannon were deleted, leaving two cannon mounted on either side of the nose. The deletion of the two cannon led to balance problems that required nose ballast, a fix that would get worse before it got better.

The Meteor I was an all-metal aircraft of conventional construction, with low-mounted straight wings with two spars, turbojets mid-mounted in the the wings, and a high-mounted horizontal tailplane to keep it out of the way of the jet exhaust. It had “fence”-style air brakes above and below the wings inboard of the engines to keep the aircraft controllable in a high-speed dive.

The Meteor was designed in a “modular” fashion, a consequence of the fact that it had been originally ordered during the Battle of Britain, when planners had considered the need for “dispersed production”, with different factories building different subassemblies of the aircraft for final assembly at a central location. This basic scheme was retained in later versions, making the Meteor easy to transport, repair, and salvage.

The Meteor had tricycle landing gear, which were shorter than those for a piston aircraft since there was no propeller to divot up the ground. A mechanical indicator popped up from the nose when the nose gear was down to alert the pilot. The cockpit was pressurized and mounted well forward. An external tank, with a capacity of 477 liters (126 US gallons) could be bolted on to the belly of the aircraft.

The first Meteor I was traded to the US for a Bell XP-59A Airacomet, the first American jet aircraft, for comparative evaluation. A few Mark Is were retained for development work in Britain. Of these aircraft, one of the most interesting was the 18th Meteor I, which became the “Trent Meteor”. This was the world’s first turboprop-powered aircraft and was flown on 20 September 1945. It was powered by Rolls-Royce Trent engines, which were basically Derwent IIs hastily fitted with a gearbox system to drive propellers. This engine of course had no direct connection to the later series of Rolls-Royce Trent high-bypass turbofans.

  • The rest of the Meteor Is entered RAF squadron service beginning in July 1944 with RAF Number 616 Squadron. The Meteor I was no faster than contemporary piston-engine fighters at high altitude, but unlike them it retained its speed at low altitude, and so was pressed into service to intercept German V-1 flying bombs that summer.

Flying Officer “Dixie” Dean scored the Meteor’s first kill, against such a missile, on 4 August 1944. Dean, his cannons having jammed, maneuvered his aircraft under the wing of the flying bomb to throw it off guidance and into the ground. Another Meteor pilot, Flying Officer J. Roger, shot down another flying bomb later that day with his cannons, and a total of 13 kills were scored with cannon fire into August, when the flying-bomb attacks ceased. This was a very small quantity compared to the total of thousands of flying bomb attacks and kills, but the Meteors served a useful propaganda purpose.

In October, four Meteors participated in exercises designed to develop defensive tactics for Allied bomber formations under attack by Luftwaffe jets. The final report from the exercises provided recommendations for appropriate tactics, but concluded that stopping the German fighters might be very difficult. In operational practice, however, the tactics proved highly effective.

The Meteor I was underpowered, had heavy controls, and pilots complained about the poor view to the sides and rear. The cannon suffered from jams, which turned out to be caused by the spent links from the ammunition belts accumulating in the ejection chutes. The jamming problem was quickly resolved, but there were doubters in the RAF that the newfangled Meteor was the way of the future. Others believed the type had considerable potential, The believers would be proven right.


  • The Meteor “Mark III (G-41C)” was the first variant to go into full production. 210 were built, with initial deliveries to the RAF beginning in December 1944 and the last of the variant rolled out in 1947. The Meteor Is were all quickly replaced by Meteor IIIs.

The Meteor III featured a stronger airframe, greater internal fuel capacity, and a rear-sliding canopy, as opposed to the side-hinged canopy of the Meteor I. The first 15 Meteor IIIs were powered by Rolls-Royce W.2B / Welland I turbojets, but the rest were fitted with Rolls-Royce Derwent I turbojets with 8.83 kN (900 kgp / 2,000 lbf) thrust each. The heavier engines increased the balance problem, and the solution was to add yet more ballast.

The pilots appreciated the additional power provided by the Meteor III relative to the Meteor I, as well as the improved view with the new canopy. However, the ailerons had been deliberately wired to be “heavy” to prevent aerobatic maneuvers from overstressing the wings, and pilots complained that maneuvers in the aircraft were very tiring. This had not been a problem with the Meteor I, since it hadn’t been cleared for aerobatic maneuvers. Pilots also complained that the machine tended to “snake” at high speed, limiting its accuracy as a gun platform, and it tended to become uncontrollable in a dive due to compressibility buffeting. However, the aircraft was basically liked. A flight combat exercise against the excellent Hawker Tempest V piston fighter concluded:

“The Meteor III is superior to the Tempest V in almost all departments. If it were not for the heaviness of its ailerons and the consequent poor maneuverability in the rolling plane, and the adverse effect of snaking on it as a gun platform, it would be a comparable all-round fighter with greatly increased performance.”


A few Meteor IIIs flew to the Continent in January 1945 and operated out of the Low Countries with the 2nd Tactical Air Force until the end of the war in early May 1945. They performed ground strafing attacks, but never engaged in air combat. Meteor pilots were keen to test their aircraft against the Messerschmitt Me-262 jet fighter, but at least initially they had orders not to fly beyond enemy lines lest one of their aircraft be shot down and examined. As the war dragged on to its finale and German fuel supplies dried up, the Luftwaffe flew fewer and fewer sorties and opportunities for a jet-on-jet encounter faded away. The first jet dogfights would have to wait for the next war.

Some Meteors were painted white during the winter of 1944:1945 for camouflage, and also so that that Allied anti-aircraft gunners wouldn’t mistake them for German jets. Meteors were fired on anyway, but none were lost to “friendly fire”, though there were losses due to fatal flight accidents.

Just after the end of the war in Europe, a few Meteor IIIs were evaluated for possible use in the photo-reconnaissance role, but at the time their performance was not appreciably superior to the Spitfire PR.XIX and the Meteor’s range was definitely worse. The idea was not adopted, but it wasn’t forgotten, either.

Following deck handling trials with a Meteor prototype in 1945, two Meteor IIIs were fitted with an arresting hook and reinforced landing gear, and used for carrier trials in 1948. The two aircraft performed takeoffs and landings from the HMS ILLUSTRIOUS and HMS IMPLACABLE. The Royal Navy was impressed by the navalized Meteor, but decided to obtain the Supermarine Attacker instead.


More info:

She was certainly a beaut!

Interesting post Nick.

IIRC, the Vampire (second generation British jet developed during WWII era) was the first jet to operate from an aircraft carrier.

edited (verification)
De Havilland Vampire DH.100

The Vampire was an exceptionally versatile aircraft, and it set many aviation firsts and records, being the first RAF fighter with a top speed of over 500mph. Piloted by Captain Eric “Winkle” Brown, a Sea Vampire was the first jet to take off from and land on an aircraft carrier, and in 1948 John Cunningham set a new world altitude record of 59,446 ft (18,119 m).

The Mk.5 was navalised as the Sea Vampire, the first Royal Navy jet aircraft. The navy had been very impressed with the aircraft since December 3, 1945, when a Vampire carried out the flying trials on the carrier HMS Ocean.

The sound of the Meteor.

By the way, 100 Mk-IV were bought for the Argentine Air Force in 1947, ah…the good times.

Hi Panzerknacker!

Perhaps this photo will be interesting for you…

This is from Australian War Memorial. (Museum) next to display of Meteor and MiG15.



I think I just fell in love. Think I can get one of these on E-bay! I have never seen a jet with a twin boom. I have always loved the visual appeal of the P-38 and P-61, maybe that is why I love the looks of this fine craft.

Theres a Vampire on this interesting site, along with a lot of other models.

Personally if you’re going for twin booms I think the DH Sea Vixen is the way to go. This one is currently IIRC still flying as G-CVIX “Foxy Lady”.

You are correct, the Meteor was not a serius foe against the MIg-15, but I was thinking locally ,in 1949 for example the Air Force had the 100 Meteors, plus Avro Lancasters, Avro Lincolns, Fiat G-55 y G-59, Ia-24 Calquins, plus some promising projekts in hand of Horten and Tank…damn nobody south of Rio Grande can touch us…nobody, no Brazil, No chile , no nothing.

Couldn’t agree more pdf27 she’s a beauty and Red Bull are still sponsoring her this year at least.

Here’s a site with more info and pic’s, nice to see the aeroplane in original colours as well!

"The first Meteor to actually fly took to the air on 5 March 1943, with Michael Daunt at the controls’

I wonder if Michael Daunt ever bailed out of a Dauntless?

From Wikipedia…

1941 - Turbojet

Frank Whittle’s memorial showing a full-scale model of the Gloster E28/39On 8 April 1941, the first test flight of the Gloster E.28/39 with a turbo-jet engine, invented by Sir Frank Whittle. took off from the company’s airfield at Hucclecote. This formed the basis for the Gloster Meteor, the only jet to be used by the Allied Forces during World War II.

"The Meteor was the first operational Allied jet fighter aircraft of World War II. First flying with the British Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1943, the Meteor commenced operations in mid-1944, only some weeks later than the world’s first operational jet, the German Messerschmitt Me 262.

In 1945 a Meteor F Mk.4 prototype, stripped of armament, gained a World Speed Record of 606 mph with Group Captain H. Wilson at the controls. In early 1946, another F Mk.4 prototype was used to set a world air speed record of 616 mph (991 km/h) true airspeed with Group Captain “Teddy” Donaldson flying the highly modified Meteor, nicknamed “Yellow Peril.” Meteors remained in service with several air forces for many years and saw action with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in the Korean War. Eventually, Gloster Meteors in fighter, trainer and night fighter versions were in operational use by 12 nations."

We hear a lot about the Me262 and it’s war record including it’s reliability, gun camera footage of it attacking bombers and likewise it been shot up on the ground. Why then don’t we hear much about the Meteor’s war record?

Was it used in combat? Did at ever take on a Me262 in a dog fight? If so what was the outcome? How did they compare in terms of performance and combat record?

You guys are usually a font of all knowledge so any information you can provide on the Meteor vs me262 would be great.


The RAF were paranoid about the Germans getting hold of British jet engine designs, so it was early 1945 before any were deployed to the continent. Prior to that they were engaged in teaching escort fighter anti-jet tactics/giving them practice in the tactics, and in anti V-1 flights. 14 V-1s were shot down before the attacs ceased - the Meteor only coming into service towards the end of the campaign.

In performance terms, it was stated to be equal or superior to the Tempest V (itself probably the best piston-engined fighter of the war, at least below about 20,000ft due to the Supercharger design) apart from the heaviness of the ailerons and lateral stability at high speed making it a poor gun platform.

Personally I’m of the opinion that a Meteor would probably spank an Me-262 in a dogfight assuming pilots of equal skill. The high-velocity Oerlikon cannon give it a massive advantage over the very low velocity cannon in the Me-262, making deflection shots massively easier. The swept wings on the Me-262 are also asking for trouble aerodynamically.

There is already a topic of the Meteor in the British Military.

I m moving this.