Gordon Highlanders entering Tunis ca.1942 - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

Gordon Highlanders entering Tunis ca.1942

Photograph, World War Two, North Africa (1940-1943), 1942. On the night of 24 October 1942, under cover of a 600-gun barrage, the 8th Army attacked the Axis positions at El Alamein. After ten days of bitter attritional fighting, the heavily defended German line was breached. On 4 November General Montgomery's armour broke through and the pursuit of the defeated Germans and Italians towards Tunis began. One of seven official photographic prints relating to the Second Battle of El Alamein 1942.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/colorizations/55633/gordon-highlanders-entering-tunis-ca.1942

If it is relating to El Alamein in 1942 I would suspect that they are passing a sign showing the direction to Tunis rather than entering it as Tunis fell in 1943. Good colouration and interesting subject wearing their tam o shanters rather than steel helmets.Is that a tripod for vickers machinegun or bipod for mortar on the shoulders of the second rank nearest to camera ?