Graf Spee's eagle rises from deep

Some interesting pieces of this warship has been recently salvaged.

Link to article.

Although the ship sunk more than 60yrs ago…
I personally think it would be great if they try to bring larger sections of the Graff Spee to the surface…
She was a good ship if you think about it, and her captain was a good man, thinking about his men… So it would be a tribute to the survivors who served on the Graff Spee…

I think covering the swastika is wrong.
Yes known for the symbol of hate but germany isnt the first to use it.
did you know the first pledge of allegence to the u.s.a. flag was palm down arm extended.(same as germany’s nazi salute)
they obviously changed it quickly.

The piece was unwraped later and put in display as it was firts seen.

Also was salvaged one of the fire directors.

it would be cool if more stuff was raised

It is bull that they had to cover the Swqatica, for what. It is part of history and to deny it is to deny that WW2 ever happend.

It is just a sighn nothing more nothing less. The whole world has gone way over board with this thing and the NU Nazis love the fact that they are going over baord like this.

The world and all the people on it should get a grip and realise what is importend and what is bull.

PLease do any of you have pics on the Wreck of the Graff Spee today.


Would be interesting to know why it was covered. There may actually be sound technical reasons for doing so related to preserving it - lots of things like that are actually pretty counterintuitive.

And more relevantly I suspect the same as the Roman salute. The US lifted rather a lot from the Romans, for example the word “Senate”. It isn’t stretching a point too far to refer to “SPQA”…

They covert it to make those who do not like it not to cry or feel bad and the jews who survived WW2.

It is such a big fight over so little thing.


They should show the swastika ,Germany is not a country that was pure evil it was just one person .Germany should not show any shame about what went on in WWII they were a great army and admiral opponent in WWII just had a evil leader

the stupid thing is that some poeple hate the germans because of what happened more than 60years ago… Its stupid, it was in the past… And besides, it was one man and his regime that led the Germans…

I agree, but some does not agree. It is stupit not see that.


I agree, but the general public might not. I remember seeing the documentary on that female film-maker that Hitler hired to shoot his mass rallies. During the documentary it was stated that even after all this time they CANNOT release these movie reals to the public because they are so powerful even today that they fear re-newed interest and support for Hitler. This is how persuasive Hitler and his propaganda machine were, 60 years later and reduced to ashes and his body parts scattered all over the globe he is still feared. I must admit just seeing that eagle raised from the Graf Spree was a powerful image and left me speechless for a minute while i studied it. There is just something dark and powerful about seeing it after all these years still proud with wings spread. This is why they covered the swastika, there is still something there that brings emotions to a head from both sides.

By the way, thanx for that link Panzerknacker. :smiley:

You can get it at Amazon

Triumph of the Will

Thanx for the link Firefly, i didnt know that movie was available, they said on the documentary it would never be released.