Grand Old Girl ... USS Texas, 2005. - Modern/Post-War Photos | Gallery

Grand Old Girl ... USS Texas, 2005.

1914-commissioned "New York" class battleship, USS Texas, at the San Jacinto State Park, Texas (2006), where she rests as a museum ship. USS Texas saw active service in both World Wars (particularly active in the latter, in both oceans). Indeed, she was active even before WW1 - in the "Tampico Incident" between the US and General Huerta's Mexico. She was awarded five battle stars in the process. USS Texas was decommissioned in 1948. Eventually, following lengthy periods of bureaucratic delay and neglect, she was restored and moored at the San Jacinto State Park as a naval museum and patriotic memorial. The process of dry-berthing her remains "pending", I understand, requiring as it does Federal appraisal and funding. 2017 is the target date for the final completion of the project. Hope it comes off - this looks like a splendid cultural and historical asset. Best regards, JR.

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She surely deserves a visit!!!