Graphic posters in photosection.

I have taken some time to consider some of the graphic posters uploaded to the photo section, going to their reported historic nature, which I understand, but in the case of the below linked poster, I cannot convince myself by any sophistry that it bears any real historic, or artistic merit, or that it is a bona fide expression of an artists vision, beyond that of a degenerate pornographer.
In the present day social, and perhaps legal conscience, it seems little more than ultra violent kiddie porn. I would like to have this particular poster deleted, and place this type of “history” out of bounds for the entirety of the site.Some of the other posters by Smagon, or others may be repugnant in their own right, but they do not show in such a blatant fashion the violation ,and mutilation of naked children. It would be appropriate to post a notice explaining the action. What say you?

I’m not even sure that the poster in question was made. Is it even a wartime piece?

Well, it difficult to know for certain, whether its a poster, or some propaganda like painting.(member Zouave uploaded it) in the description there is mention of its being contemporary, which to me (uneducated as I am,) would mean that it may be a recreation of period propaganda, or just something produced more recently, but in the manner of period propaganda. there is also some mention that the person who produced this, and other images, had allegedly witnessed scenes of this type, and was painting what he saw.
Dunno the truth of it, but to me this particular image fails to represent history in any legitimate way .

I’m about to leave to get shit-faced tonight hence a quick answer to this matter…there are several of those paintings in the 'art, documents…" folder. The “artist” is supposed to be a German from Silesia (forgot his name) who witnessed atrocities of the Red Army as a juvenile. However he also painted a picture of US fighter bombers strafing HJ boys loaded with milk cans…stuff like this. Discussions about these paintings were quite reasonable though.

Dont get too blue while you’re out tonight, and watch out for those who want to pick a fight. (or bad drivers, cant tell which)

How’s FTG this morning? :smiley: :evil:

He may be among the walking wounded this morning,unless he is still engaged in his campaign to drink Germany dry. NATO may have to mount a humanitarian effort to replenish supplies…:slight_smile: (this may be more accurate:mrgreen: )

Back among the living…actually it’s sunday evening by now. Couldn’t make it to the PC any earlier. That should tell enough about the last night.

He returns Triumphant !