Grease gun - US Army | Gallery

Grease gun

Lighter, Cheaper, and Just as Good CAMP DAVIS, N.C. -- The deadly weapon being used by Pvt. Martin Schirald of Youngstown, Ohio, at Camp Davis is the Army's new .45 caliber sub machine gun -- the "M3". Five and one half pounds lighter than the widely used Thompson sub machine gun, the new weapon is much cheaper to manufacture and just as effective in battle.(5-6-1944) greetz,brummbar

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It low rate of fire was appreciate by soldiers including armored crews because you can easily focus between each shot.

The gun could also be easily recalibrated to fire 9X19mm Parabellum. I do think the weapon was probably slightly less effective in battle than the Thompson, mainly in terms of accuracy and range. I’ve read that Thompsons were prized in the Korean War by U.S. troops mainly because they had been withdrawn from service in favor of the M3. However, thousands were sent to Nationalist Forces in China under Lend Lease and in turn were seized by the Communist Peoples Liberation Army and used against the UN Forces in Korea. Some infantry took particular delight in retaking them back and pressing them into U.S. service over the Grease Gun. The gun was used by U.S. armor crews and some other specialist types until the 1980’s IIRC…