Great site!

Hello there,
I have just read through your wonderful website and i would just like to say how greatly impressed i am.The colour photo’s are really impressive and give you a great feel for the whole WW2 era.The forum is a world of usefull knowledge, i greatly enjoyed reading through it all (most of it),it has taken me a couple of days but i enjoyed it and i hope i learnt something in the process :lol: .
The reason i was searching the website is because my grandad passed away recently and whilst we were sorting his possesions out ,we found his old war kit!i didnt even know he served in the war!
He served in the Durham Light Infantry (British),my dad told me he was at Dunkirk,but i know very little about the action he seen as my dad allso is not one for talking about wars (he was in the Falklands war).
Well anyway,thanks very much for making a allready proud grandson even more proud of his grandfather.

Welcome mate and I am glad to hear the site could help you and let it not be the first and last time we hear of you. :lol:
