Greece In World War 2

Do you believe that greece assist allied forces to win the war ?
i say this because greek army held the italian forces to the Albanian borders and push back . Also held the SS Panzer Divisions to the Bulgarian borders . I think this help the Russians to make better defences because the assault of german forces (operation Barbarosa i think) was to be in autumn . But greek defences held them and the operation took place in winter . This was a disaster for german panzers which couldn’t move easily in the mud .


One. Operation Barbarossa started on June 22, 1941, not in winter.
Two. Mud is not an issue in the Russian winter, it is an issue in the Russian autumn.


Sure! Greeks did a sizeable contribution considering the countries size and resources avaialable.


Don’t take this as trying to reduce the significance of the Greek defence, but if we go back a step then the Italians did more for Russia by attacking Greece and forcing the Germans to get involved to rescue them when they couldn’t defeat the Greeks, thus delaying Barbarossa.

Hitler’s problem wasn’t so much the Greek defence as the overly ambitious Italians biting off more than they could chew, as they had done previously in North Africa with the same result.

On another aspect, Churchill wasted a lot of troops and resources in Greece on a political decision to support the Greeks when militarily it was a doomed exercise from the start, because the Allies lacked the air power necessary for anything approaching a successful campaign.

But, yes, the Greeks fought well and hard with what they had.

As a side note, Australians played a significant part in the ground fighting in Greece and had very high regard for the Greek civilians who were generous and hospitable and who at times put themselves at risk to help the Australians.

Well Greeks really forced Hitler to delay the Barbarossa from May to end of June of 1941 i.e about ywo month.
However i doubt the Greece resistence helped a lot for the Red Army. Coz the few Germans divisions helded by Greeks were a not much with comparition with the 160+ divisions that were concentrated in summer near the Soviet border.
The much more sugnificant and strong resistence were in Yugoslavia as well as later Ukraine.
Those nations really have brought a sugnificant help during the Strategic Soviet battles of 1943-44.

I go with Chevan here. The Germans didnt commit a significant amount of forces to greece. Although they did commit a lot of airpower.

They certainly reduced the German airborne units…