Guderian reviews LSSAH Tigers, April 1942. - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

Guderian reviews LSSAH Tigers, April 1942.

Heinz Guderian with officers of 1st SS Panzer Division, "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler", Ukraine, April 1942. As Tiger I tanks began to become available in significant numbers in late-1942-early 1943, the German forces experimented to establish the most appropriate formation/organization to make best use of these vehicles. Both Heer and Waffen SS tried out the idea of including PzKpfw III tanks to escort the Tigers and deal with "demolition" and close support duties; Michael Wittmann, newly minted as an officer, cut his teeth in one of those Panzer IIIs. A significant difference was that, while the Heer chose to organize its Tigers in independent Heavy Panzer Battalions, the Waffen SS, initially, preferred to incorporate its Tigers within their Panzer Division regiments as integral parts of those divisions (at the time, 1st, 2nd and 3rd SS Panzer divisions). This was the position at the time at which this photo was taken, and during "Zitadelle" (Kursk operation). Based on experience during organizational trials, and in the 1943 operations at Kursk and elsewhere, the Waffen SS adopted the Heer model of "independent" Heavy Panzer Battalions. The Tiger component of the LSSAH became SS Schwere Panzer Abteilung 101 (later 501); however, the new Battalion remained closely associated with the LSSAH Division. Given the skill and flexibility of the German Staff in organizing and reorganizing units to fit the immediate situation, one might question whether all the cogitating over organization was really worth the effort ... Best regards, JR.

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Sorry - should of course have been April, 1943. JR.