Gun Assignment

I was wondering how the gun assigment went for a squad like who got the rifle, the automatic and the, Support and how many were assigned to each squad?

Good question! I’d take a guess that the big guys usually get the bigger guns:)

Well since we have a few military people on the site…How exactly is it decided today?

Maybe we can figure it out from there!

Soon I’m going to present an organizational chart of how the army is organized. at least to which I serve.

Look forward to it.

the cod2 clan i am in try to base our unit on tactacal realisum so i thank our charts are right if so this is how it was made up.

If I understand this correctly weapon assignments are according to your MOS- military occupational specialty- and what weapon and/or equipment that covers. What you trained on and passed proficiency on is what you’d be assigned. I’m not sure this helps but it’s the what I thought you meant.

For me it was quite simple, the new guy got the gun. :slight_smile: I was 5-4 at the time and the smallest. :frowning: When there was a chance it would be used for real it went to the one who could handle it best. In HM Forces all are taught to handle platoon weapons to the same standard and must pass an annual weapons test on each.

Or perhaps vcs-WW2 can help us.

The petty officers got the smallest versions of the FN’s (so called para),the rest got the standard Fn versions,while the guy with the best marksmanship got the machine gun (HK 11).
Sharpshooters were asigned from a special unit (only if needed).
But of course this is ooold stuff.

I second that 2nd of foot.

Youngest gets the heaviest in barracks and on exercise. Otherwise the best shot gets it.

Not to sure how the American side works, but in the British Infantry everyone is trained on everything - except things like the specialised support weapons.

I would have thought an 11B was trained in all weapons though.

Twitch didn’t you say you used a stoner 63 in the Bar thread? What was it like? I heard it was a nightmare because it would go auto un-bidden and had to be cleaned carefully and meticulasly. Was it the 7.62mm or 5.56mm calibre?

I seem to recall that if you f*!@ked up, you got to carry the GPMG. Which was okay for a while, not much fun on a long tab.

Well just my two cents in my reserve unit where im at we have 5 platoons everyone gets a C-7 except for the platoon leader , radio man , medic they gets the smaller C-8 and then each platoon gets a 2 C-9 platoon support’s for the squads and the platoon then gets a C-7 for platoon support and for you ww2 people the ww2 equivilant to these weapons are

C-7 - M1 Garand
C-8 - Tommy / Greasegun
C-9 - B.A.R
C-6 - Browning 30. Cal