H & K G36 assault rifle

hey guys, I have tested the H & K G36, and strongly is, to me, the replacement of all the assault rifles actually knows.
Somebody tell me it was happen en the US Army. Anybody have some information about it?

Whenever in doubt, always try wikipedia.org.

I’d rather be

In bed

With an FNC;-)

I’m not quite sure what you are asking. Are you asking will the U.S. Army adopt this rifle as their standerd rifle?[/b]

They thought about it for a while (the XM-8 is actually a reskinned G-36 with a few very minor differences) but decided not to.
In any case, it isn’t all that good. Apparently several melted when put through the torture test that the L85A2 passed before acceptance, so there is room for improvement.

I thought the SBS were wetting themselves over the ones they had. I have also seen much talk of it being the best thing since sliced bread. A bit like the M16 is the best ever rifle. Oh how combat changes people’s minds.:smiley:

Hadn’t heard of it melting, any links?

I too have seen reports of melting handguards & less than stellar reliability.

I’ll have a dig around tomorrow.

I do know the U.S. Spec Ops have adopted an FN SCAR rifle due to the overheating problems with the M-4 (basically a CAR-15-like shortened M-16A2).


I think the Iraq War has thrown a damper on the U.S. military’s plans to select a new personal weapon in the near future… From what I’ve gathered, several past “good ideas” like three-round-burst and arming all soldiers with a small caliber weapon, save a few snipers, have shown to be poor concepts when applied in actual combat in a very hot climate with an enemy armed with AKs and Dragunovs…

The USA has indeed postponed for at least five years their plans to acquire a new family of small arms to replace the 5.56m m weapons. In the meantime, they will be buying large batches of 5.56mm carbines and LMGs ‘off the shelf’ to keep them going - but they haven’t yet decided what to buy.

It seems that the holders of the moneybags felt that the cost of the proposed re-equipment was not justified by the marginal advantages it would bring.

Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website and discussion forum

Tony, if you’re interested there’s a guy vehemently denying the link between the SA 80 and the AR 18 here: http://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/t=40941.html it starts to hot up around page 3 or page 4.

I’ve actually been reading your site for a while – I found it to be a good reference, especially given the number of Internet savants kicking around the place.

Well, I don’t want to get sucked into another discussion forum…there are people contributing there who know more about it than I do anyway.

I am really more of an ammunition man than a gun man, but people who know more about guns than I do are clear that the SA80 innards were based on the AR-18, and the same design has turned up yet again in the HK G36.

Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website and discussion forum

Talking of ammunition, I had some idiot at Bisley tell me that if you fired RG 5.56 mm in an M-16 it would blow it up, and that US 5.56 mm would not work in an SA80… quote: “there is actually no such thing as standard NATO 5.56 mm”

Whilst I know there are large variations within the spec, everything will at least function!

We had a problem in the US in 88. We were then told that the US forces with us must use the US green spot and not RG as it had damaged the barrels of some M16A2s used in a demo day.