H8K - Japanese Forces | Gallery


A H8K and a two seater floatplane. Bit of a size difference.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/japanese-forces/33582/h8k

From what I remember, the H8K (Emily) was a tough bird to bring down in the eyes of allied aviators. Does anyone know what the smaller bird is? It looks like a Tachikawa “Willow”, but I don’t recall ever seeing one of those with floats before.

Well Its not earlier than a E2K1 and it’s not later than a E8N or E7N so it must be somwhere in blankspot. I can’t find JAPANESE MILITARY AIRCRAFT: Aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Land-Based Aviation, 1929-1945 Noº4, that book has answer.