Ha-ha! Camouflage 1933. How cool is that!

Ha HA ha :wink:
What was it Army - spanish?

If this brilliant invention could reflect bullets as well as scenery, not only would it confound the enemy but it would also save the defender an absolute fortune.

Mirrors are quite expensive. :smiley:

imagine the amount of years of bad luck if any of them got broke

there are actually stell polished plates so they realyy didnt get millions years of bad luck

I also read about similar tests in USSR in the 1930s to make airplanes invisible. Chevan, have you read about it?

Seems clear to me this is rather dumb idea! Would only work at range and at the right angle as well. In close im sure the attacker would figure out he is not shooting at himself and at the wrong angle you would have a great reflection of the sky where the ground should be. Even at night it wouldnt work…muzzle flash would give it away. Might be good a at reflecting the sun into the eyes of the enemy giving them a good tan and pissing them off.

Maybe these are just a few of the factors that gave way to why it was never widely used.

Double post General.
I would agree on the muzzle flash, unless it was suppressed.

I understand though where the idea comes from. The only war Spain has been fighting in the 20th century before the Civil war was a colonial war in Spanish Morrocco against the Rif Kabyls. The fighting took place mostly in mountainous desert area.


Yes mate.
i’ve read about an experimental airplain that has the wings and tail from …organic glass.
All the non-transparent parts of aircrafts (engeens, cockpit and ets) were cowered by the mirrors inside.
According the post-test perort this airplain was practically invisible in the altitudes over 1 km.
But very soon the organic glass has bee darken and cracked so the resault of tesst was negative.


I understand though where the idea comes from. The only war Spain has been fighting in the 20th century before the Civil war was a colonial war in Spanish Morrocco against the Rif Kabyls. The fighting took place mostly in mountainous desert area.


Can anyone say desperate? :smiley:

This is along the lines of the War Departments’ seriously looking at canoe shaped footwear for water crossings in the American Civil War.:smiley:

Yes, dumb. But brilliandt and funny anyway! :cool:

If they would have had really good mirrors this might have worked well in ancient times!

LOL, why not just magically direct the sun towards the mirrors and concentrate on the enemy? BUUUUURN!!! :twisted:

Did that actually fool there enemys?