Hacked satellites

A private person has hacked at least one satellite, and sends out illegal beams (signals) over a large part of the world. The beams make people behave physical different than normal. The illegal satellite beams may have started around 6. of June 2005.

There are at least three visible effects of the illegal beams:

I. One effect from these satellite beams is that people blink more with their eyes than before. The blinking increase could be on around 15-20 percent.

II. People use their hands more to touch their faces, cheeks, chins, mouths and their heads in general. Here are some examples of hand movements which have increased in frequency:

These kinds of hand movements are not necessarily unnatural, but they appear more often now, because of the illegal satellite beams.

It seems to be that people who relax physically, for example Saddam Hussein and the other accused in the Baghdad trial, react more visibly on the satellite beams which lead to more hand movements to the face.

Also for example politicians which sit in parliaments and listen to speeches, seem to react more visibly on the beams which increase the frequency of these mentioned hand movements.

III. People move more staccato then normal. Peoples movements are not so soft as normal.

If you observe the increase in the mentioned hand movements, the increase of the eye-blinking or the unnatural staccato movement , you can report it to:

The Spanish government

The Norwegian government


These authorities have knowledge about the allegation of hacked satellites, but they do not take it serious.

For a few more photos and more information you can look here:

This is absolutely true!

However these beams can de deflected by making a bacofoil bowler or tinfoil trilby.
An instructional video is shown here: http://eclectech.co.uk/mindcontrol.php

Poorly made protective hat:

French general’s hat:

Covert hat to prevent the Beamers from knowing you’re protected:

There is a scientific study here:

It seems that the Beamers may well be responsible for posting plans of ineffective hats, so it is worth testing them on animals before you use one yourself.
You can see here that some designs cause the wearers to lose control of their limbs and become drowsy.

I find placing an old zinc plated bucket over me bonce does the job so long as it’s earthed.
I did have a slight mishap one time, when I felt the evil rays & grabbed the wrong bucket in my haste :cry:

Oh jeezus!