Half-Ape Half-Human Super warriors

THE Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered the creation of Planet of the Apes-style warriors by crossing humans with apes, according to recently uncovered secret documents.

According to Moscow newspapers, Stalin told the scientist: “I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat.”

Seems like good idea/theory of having soldiers “insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat” Not sure the genetics at the time were up to it though!


Strange tale indeed, however your link brought this to my attention

Haggis Hunt

I’m off out tomorrow to see if I can find any.

I didn’t know a haggis was a creature, I thought it was just a stomch full of all the bits us English don’t eat!

Learn something new everyday!

Sorry, comerad, are you serious? :shock: Id like to think its a joke.


Sorry, comerad, are you serious? :shock: Id like to think its a joke.[/quote]

I belive it is serious, there are few other sources out there, but none are of well known origin.

Do you have any of them to hand ?
I’d like to have a squizz at this subject and see if the Sovs really were that mal.

Do you have any of them to hand ?
I’d like to have a squizz at this subject and see if the Sovs really were that mal.[/quote]



I think there are a few more but they are in Russian.

Both links provided shows 21st of December as entry.
Scotsman shows “Last updated: 20-Dec-05 10:36 GMT”

On the other hand, Moscow News have “Created: 20.12.2005 11:20 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 11:20 MSK” and quotes Scotsman as well.

Firefly, is “The Scotsman” a tabloid?

Edited 2nd time for fixing the link.

I just read through the Aussie one and it does quote the scotsman, I don’t think the prisonplanet one says that the scotsman is the source. My guess would be that the scotsman would be the only site to have translated the Russian article(s) into English.

…and The Sun added more :lol: :lol: :lol:
Check this out:

Labs and ape skeletons have been found in the Black Sea town of Suchumi in Georgia by workmen building a kids’ playground.

It is thought the apes were among creatures captured for research during the 1920s project, which cost Stalin £8,500 — more than £1million in today’s money.

Scientist Ilia Ivanov was ordered to breed the mutants. He had already tried to create a super-horse by crossing the animals with zebras.

I found that hysteria have to do with this UPI news (who quotes Scotsman as well):

According to Moscow newspapers, Stalin told the scientist: “I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat.”

I don’t no what the sites are but I assume the paper in question would have a site.

Is that Dolly the sheep!!! No its Stan the super-horse!!!

I read all of this sites, but is strongly not serious. The germans would do the same, with bad results, now is the turn of the americans; with a more improved cience.
Please, see “Universal Soldier” :lol:

OK, now I`m ready to give complete explanation.

Indeed, experiments with apes took place from 1926 till 1929 (I. Ivanov used human sperm to inseminate apes). First in Africa and then in Suhumi. But the aim of this reseaches was to prove Darvin theory and destroy basis of religion. This experiments were approved by Lunocharskiy (minister of education), and so had educational and antireligion purposes.
Also must be mentioned that I. Ivanov began his reseaches before revolution and worked with German and French colleges. He was offered to cotinue reseach in French Paster institute.
Stalin ape-soldiers? :lol: What a crap!

Here is a link on interesting article in russian language:


Strating translation with Altavista translator.
Here it is:

On 2 June the Russian channel was shown documentary film "Person- monkey. Secret experiences of doctor Ivanov ". Its detective subject is based on the documents, for so long and no longer of those storing in the archives THE GPU- KGB.

In the summer of 1926 in the direction of council of peoples commissars for Guinea, for the French colony in Africa, left professor Ilya Ivanov in tracking of his son. Before the scientist stood the task of catching the males of chimpanzee and “to scrape” them with the local Negroes in order to experimentally prove that man occurred from the monkey. The failures pursued from the very beginning of professor. First, to catch animals proved to be so not simply. Local residents, hired for the catching of fierce chimpanzees, at the critical moment scattered to the different sides, in this case the son of professor was bitten by primacy and hospitalized. But Soviet scientist was not returned - he nevertheless captivated monkeys. And here arose another unexpected obstacle - natives from the local tribe proved to be so "that even for the money in no way they agreed to become the object of experience. But money proposed big enough, since the government of young Soviet republic, in spite of ruin and hunger, it generously supplied naturalist. It was possible to bribe the doctor- Frenchman, who under the guise of medical examination with the aid of the artificial fertilization had to after all “inseminate” black patients by these money. About the prepared experience of proznal Parisian journalist, and after several days in Europe left the newspapers with the sensation: “Bolsheviks derive the new race of chelovekoobez’yan, fitted out to live with the Communist system”. Fearing an even larger scandal, the council of people commissioners urgently recalled professor from Guinea - together with the caught monkeys.

As the authors of documentary film say, so also arose the famous Sukhumi nursery of monkeys - from the “material”, brought to Ivanov from the expedition. In the film on this is dotted. Why director did not begin to tell history further, it is not understandable. Meanwhile in the press long ago are already published the materials, which prove, what Ivanov’s experiences continued also after Guinea experiment - the idea to prove the origin of man from the monkey not was left.

In the West in their time they became the sensation of the communication of Belgian kriptozoologa of Bernard Eyvel’mansa, which, knowing about Russian “Michurin’s experiences from zoology”, so in this interested itself, that began the search of possible witnesses. And it revealed in France and USA several emigrants, who ran out from THE USSR for the boundary and finished distilling many years in the Soviet concentration camps. They asserted that “pulled period” - who for the refusal to inseminate gorillas and chimpanzee, who for the fundamental disagreement to work with Ivanov. On their opinion, USSR full speed was carried out the program of the creation of the hybrids of man with the primates. Experiences like would be conducted in hospital control of the gulag, where departed his period the fallen in to opal professor. Russians, asserted Eyvel’mans, already was derived the race of obez’yanolyudey with an increase in 1,8 m, covered with fur and which possessed gerkulesovoy force.

How it is possible to believe to Belgian and his informants? Certainly, none “obez’yanolyudey” Ivanov create could: to contemporary science geneticist this is well known. The fact is that the “hybridization” is possible only with complete agreement of genomes of both producers. If even person with his 46 chromosomes and monkey with its 48 could give hybrid, then in its would prove to be 47 chromosomes. But an odd quantity of chromosomes not is capable of the reproduction. I.e., man is genetic and monkey are completely incompatible, in the difference, let us say, from the horse with its 64 chromosomes and the donkey with his 62, with crossing of which is born sterile mule. Our OF DNA are distinguished qualitatively. Year ago professor Asao Of fudzhiyama with the associates established that it is more than 80 percent of genes, localized into twenty second chromosome of chimpanzee, structurally they do not coincide with the analogous genes of the sootvestvuyushchey chromosome of man, but the portion of genes with the serious differences is about twenty percent. If one considers that the replacement of the only pair of nucleotides can radically change the structure of the molecule of protein, then these differences are extraordinary. Researchers assume that approximately the same picture will appear also with the comparison of remaining chromosomes. According to them, the persuasion in the uniqueness of the kind of human now obtained completely solid genetic substantiation. So that the communication Of eyvel’mansa about brought-out “Soviet obez’yanolyudyakh” was explicit fabrication. But in other respects… Experiences in THE USSR really were conducted.

In the beginning of 2001 one shocking document became the public domain. Military chemist k. (officer it requested not to call his surname), gathering in the middle of the 80th materials about testing of chemical weaponry on animals, in the archives of Revolutionary Military Council stumbled on the letter of the colleague of Sukhumi monkey cage to professor Ivanov. Here is fragment from it:

"in response to the publications in the newspapers into gosobez’yannik turned themselves some comrades (men and women) with the request to use them in the experiences, which testify about the evolutionary origin of man. They proposed themselves for the experiments with the monkeys, without requiring pay, but exclusively for science and education of the subjected to religious ignorance fellow citizens… But because of the large force of monkeys to allow to them people necessarily with the large caution. Several days ago one of the women entered into the wing, where lived chimpanzee, and one gripped it, attempting to suffocate. To free it it was possible only with the aid of the arrived in time help from several men ".

This monstrous evidence proved to be in the hands of the journalists of “evening Chelyabinsk”. In order to be certified in its authenticity, they raised the hemmings of Soviet newspapers. Actually, during August 1927 in the “red newspaper” in article “future monkey cage in Sukhumi” it communicated: “it is intended to place here the artificial insemination of the monkeys of different it is specific between themselves and with the man” and so on, in all vile details. Struck, journalists left in Sukhumi. Here, on the shore of Black sea, in the moist subtropical climate on several hectares in the better time 7,5 thousand anthropomorphous monkeys were contained. Now, after “reconstruction”, them remained about two hundred. The part of the livestock was exported hearth Adler, but the majority of wards bollard victim of abxazo- Georgian war. Sukhumtsy said, that in the beginning of the 90th the macaco skipping along the street with the young hitched to its stomach was here usual phenomenon. As a rule, monkeys on the streets they shot “without the law court and the consequence”: there was suspicion, that new medicines, before physicians, experiencing by their different illnesses. In contrast to the inhabitants of nursery, the archive OF NII - SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE was preserved almost completely. Among other there there was a copy of the letter To a.Lunacharskomu, with which professor Ivanov turned himself to the druggie of education even before the trip to Guinea:

“the method of artificial fertilization gives the possibility nearer to approach the answer to a question about the origin of man. From the first steps of scientific activity I attempted to carry out setting up of the experiments of the crossing of man and antropoidnykh monkeys. In its time I conducted negotiations with the former owners of famous zoos; however, fear before the holiest synod proved to be stronger than the desire to go towards this undertaking… I assume that the Soviet government could in the interests of science and propaganda of natural history world view go towards in this matter (professor it requested in Lunacharskiy 15 thousand dollars - red.)”.

About the fact that the church prevented monstrous experiences, Ivanov writes the chairman of council of peoples commissars A.Rykovu: "obtaining the hybrids between different forms of anthropoids more than is probable… My attempts in the pre-revolutionary time to fix work in this direction did not enjoy success. Religious prejudices interfered from one side, with another - for organizing these experiences was required exceptional situation ".

Other “significative” documents in the Sukhumi archive found could not be, if we do not consider reference to the demands of some scientists “immediately to end immoral, amoral experiments”. Experiences continued five years, success they did not bring, and in 1932 of the chief colleagues of laboratory, including Ivanov, they shot (so asserts “evening Chelyabinsk”, although there are information, that Ivanov on 20 March, 1932, died of atherosclerosis in the camp), but the produced scientific material was tyuey iz"yat OGPU, also, in the situation of the strictest secrecy it is driven away into Moscow. The eyewitnesses of that occurred until our time did not live. Local student of local lore Victor yushin only and could answer the correspondents: “when was young, was considered this all the fairy tales of the old men survived from the mind. They indicated that at the end of the 20th it was annual in Sukhumi hundred they arrived the volunteers, who for the science agreed to live with the monkeys. I still asked the old men: as to live - on the tree, that whether?”

The history of the scientist- atheist of Ivanov, whom we more greatly know by the name “professor Preobrazhenskiy” - indeed, so sadly ended, most likely, precisely his experiences pushed writer m.Bulgakova to write the satiric novels “canine heart” and the “fateful eggs”. there are too many agreements. You will compare the subjects of bulgakovskikh novels and professor Ivanov’s “program”, which that presented to its Moscow friends in the letter: "hybrid person, which corresponds to anthropoids, from the generation grows more rapidly, than usual, to trem-chetyrem to years gathers improbable force, it is much less sensitive to the pain, it is indiscriminate in the food… The possibilities of use are limitless - from the work in the damp faces to the soldier service “. It is remarkable, which exactly in 1926, when Ivanov set up experiments in Africa, in the apartment of Bulgakov OGPU conducted search and iz"yalo only one manuscript - novel” canine heart ".

So that not by chance and the authors of the mentioned documentary film, and newsmen, first opened this theme, all as you moralite they recall bulgakovskuyu satire. It is said, in the “canine heart” is already given estimation to Soviet (“shovel”) science, to all these “professors by Preobrazhenskiy”, and what here still to add? The matter indeed the past, estimation to it is given, tyuey pouzhasalis’, they laughed - and it will be sufficient, you disperse, citizens… In other words, theme is exhausted. But so whether this?

First, disgrace (otherwise you will not name) of science described above to fall down on the special feature of Soviet reality is completely superfluous. Professor I.I.Ivanov dealt with his theme even before the revolution, moreover in the collaboration with the foreign colleagues in Germany and France. In the letter to Lunacharskiy Ivanov wrote: "I consider it necessary to add that was obtained the proposal from the Pasteur institute (which belonged to France - red.) for the final negotiations and the realization of experiences (according to crossing and proof of the origin of man from the monkey - ed.). It would be offensively, if this work took place without the participation BY THE USSR ". The militant faith in the “simian ancestor” was disseminated among the scientists long before Ivanov, has it its apologists, also, to this day. And in always these people, which call itself scientists, they stopped not before how in order to introduce in the public consciousness its “symbol of faith”. What costs infinite of the turn of doubtful assumptions and frank forgeries, “which explain” the origin of man.

Here is the incomplete list of these chimeras. Neanderthal man, accepted as the “ancestor of man” in 1856, was “exposed” in 1960; pitdaun, which arose in 1912, was deprived of status of inviolability in 1953; zindzhantrop, which served as proof since 1959, ended its existence as scientific fact in I960 to year; ramapitek, appeared to peace in 1964, was “exposed” in 1979… In the past year the research group of the New York university thoroughly measured the skulls of all 12 obtained today neandertal’tsev, made their three-dimensional computer models and compared on 15 to “reference points” with the skulls of contemporary people. Thus there were obmeryany and were compared the skulls of different it was specific monkeys. Conclusion is single-valued: the skulls of Neanderthal man and contemporary person disperse more than it is permissible within the framework of the different “species” of one form - and, thus, they cannot be crossed between themselves.

But experiences continue and continue, “Preobrazhenskiys” everyone conjures above the test tubes. Several years ago the scientist Of the massachusetsskeyeo university of Jose sibelli decided to scrape himself with the cow, after isolating its own DNA and after placing it into the cow’s egg cell. No one learned on this experience, if the biotechnological firm financed searches suddenly did not want to obtain patent for the invention. Even as the minimum two firms - American and Australian - intended to connect man with the pig… Scientists in such cases are usually justified by the humane purposes - to create new medicine, to open immortality. About the same speak those, who deal with cloning and experiences with stem cells of human embryos. But how they are differed from our “professor Preobrazhenskiy”? Yes by in no way.

There is a version, that the prototype of bulgakovskogo hero was not only professor Ivanov, but also the personal doctor Lenin of roses, who dealt with the problem of the rejuvenation of the highest party nomenclature. It is known that yr after Lenin’s death, in 1925, it podal to Stalin information about the fact that needs two healthy gorillas or chimpanzee for the operation on the transplantation of their sexual glands to people the doctor it believed that this surgical crossing with the “ancestors khomo of sapiyensa” will prolong to man life. Possibly, doctor- humanist was so reckless as his patients. Indeed the wrong side of the faith in the monkey - this disbelief into the immortality of human soul, fear before death and folly.

Translated with http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr

No mate, its what we call in the UK a broadsheet and has been in print since 1817.

In fact they recently made all their articles from 1817-1950 available I think.

Stalin wanted half-ape soldiers?,for any chance in this universe,did stalin take marijuana?,it’s more reasonable the uber soldat of return to castle wolfenstein than this.

Good find Sturmfuhrer! Good job with translation Dani. That was a very intresting read!

that is very interesting really makes you think about what things have been done in the scientific world that we the general public do not know about.