:smiley: hallo!,im new in this forum,I want to know more about ww2,and discuss,this place looks great!,I have a question=
can i put one of my custom pics.

Lot of thanks! :slight_smile:

hi welcome to the site, you cant do that for now, but you can in the future, thanks for the patient

Welcome to the site. Admin is hard to reach sometimes but im sure he is working on it.

thanks for replies! :smiley: ,my country didn`t participed in war (the only think happened here was,when lots and lots of germans,came here,and now they live here,my parents were germans)

but im neutral,so my oppinion isn`t the mos important and rich.

but i think im a observer/discusser here.

It is true that after the war German generals (and possibly Hitler) fled to South America, did many flee to Argentina?

Itā€™s true. But Hitler, of cource notā€¦ My grandfather (wich from NKVD) left our family relic - the part of Hitlerā€™s hair :slight_smile: My older couisine hold it at homeā€¦ :lol:

Well you say of course not, but I saw a documentary, and there is a high chance that Hitler did flee to South America. But noone has 100% proof.

I know about that documents. They was maked by Soviet, but Idonā€™t know why. Maybe that was must be some of another political game of Stalin? Donā€™t know.

Hitlerā€™s body was burned ā€¦so does he have a burnt hair or did one actually survive???

Hitlerā€™s body was burned ā€¦so does he have a burnt hair or did one actually survive???[/quote]

They couldnt find his body. One of the Wars greatest mysteries.

Hitlerā€™s body was burned ā€¦so does he have a burnt hair or did one actually survive???[/quote]

They couldnt find his body. One of the Wars greatest mysteries.[/quote]

Well not according to the footage that I saw about a group that went to Russia after the fall of the USSR. The released alot of stuff about him. The west wasnt sure what happened to him for so long because the Russian wouldnt release the info. But im pretty sure he is dead and was burned in berlinā€¦however they are not exactly sure of the location of his body. Either in a ghetto part of Berlin or in Russia somewhere.

By stories of my grandfather, he was one of them who guard the body of Hitler on the way to the Moscow. Hitler body wasnā€™t burned, but I canā€™t tell you what happened with it after it was delivered to Moscowā€¦ Somewere in archives is answer, but that archives closed even nowā€¦

So this is a cover up


Maybe it wasnt completly burned and thats how your Grandpa got the hair.

Thatā€™s a false maked by Soviet. The burned man showed to the world wasnā€™t Hitler. Hitlerā€™s body was delivered in Moscow untouched. And I recommend you to not believe an official Soviet information or information based on it. Also ā€œburnedā€, ā€œsmasheā€ or cut to pieces corpces - very good method to hide real corpse.

Do you have any other sourcesā€¦not saying that i dont believe Grandpa :smiley: but just wondering

There are lots of germans here,lots of german veterans of WW2,they went here when war finished,my family were germans,and my granfather fought in ww2,but he died,and I dont talked with him about ww2,now I want but I cant. (that`s why mi avatar is german)

About hitler,I think he died in germany,but there are good fonts saying that hitler died here,so i don`t know the thruth.

goodbye :slight_smile:

here are much more veterans of ww2,because laws in the rest of south america were against them.
do you know the argentinian president peron liked nazis and hitler,and he helped them to escape to argentina.

:arrow: but that doesnt mean here we are nazis,its only a massive inmigration.

hitler was burned??? :shock:

good bye :slight_smile:

Not direct proofs, but in the combination it may be interesting picture:

  1. The body showed to world canā€™t be recognized. Tis is ordinary practice of Soviet, when they want to hide something or someone.

  2. The ā€œBrain projectā€. Madness with point of modern science, but in that timeā€¦ That project targeting to study brains of greatest leaders of the world, to make ideal humans. ( as I know, Hitler also have some such projects) Archives about ā€œBrain projectā€ closed even now, but some info was leak in 1997. In the end of May of 1945 two german samples was brought to Moscow. BTW,this date is like my grandpa told, but he donā€™t ever know about second sample or ā€œBrain Projectā€, he died in 1995.

  3. ā€œGermans graveyardā€ this graveyard was build by the Petr the Great for luterans people, lived in Russia. At the middle of the 1945 there appeared a strange grave without name. They was builded by NKVD order, and noone know who laying there. But sometimes later appears strange rumor - thatā€™s a Hitler grave. But I donā€™t know the roots of this rumor.

Combined with the story of my grandpa we have a strong logical chain.

Wow, I must say there seems to be alot of conflicting arguements. I remember watching this documentary that was on the discovery channel, or the like, and they said that there was some spotings of Hitler in this house in South America. There was some testimonies and stuff. But they were not sure if the information was correct, anyway they didnt mention anything about Hitler going to Moscow, and why would Stalin want Hitlers body?

Hehā€¦ Than more humans famous, than more rumors surrounded them. For example, I heard rumor abou Hitler, in reality - now the prince Charlse of Britain :smiley: I laughed about a hour whet read all arguments. Canā€™t give you the url, there all russianā€¦