Hans Von Luck - German Forces | Gallery

Hans Von Luck

In May of 1944 Major Hans von Luck took command of the 125th Panzergrenadier Regiment of the 21st Panzer Division. These forces were stationed near Caen, France on June 6th, 1944. Although von Luck and his men were prepared to launch counterattacks against either the nearby landings on Sword Beach, or the paratroopers who had landed inland earlier that morning, such movements against the British were delayed by the lack of authorization from higher authorities. Kampfgruppe von Luck was eventually ordered to attack the British paratroopers located on the east bank of the Orne River near Ranville. In this photo Major Hans von Luck (center) receives a report from Lt Gerhardt Bandomir (left), who commanded 3. Ko. of I./125 Panzer Grenadier Regt. during Operation Goodwood. Looking on is Major Willi Kurz, CO of II Battalion. (By Bazooka Joe)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/29247/hans-von-luck

After several years’ internment at a Gulag in Georgia, Luck was repatriated. He became heavily involved in veterans’ associations, and also lecturing military students. He also became good friends with several of his former opponents, most notably British Airborne Major John Howard. He also formed a friendship with popular U.S. historian Stephen Ambrose, at whose instigation he wrote his memoirs, titled Panzer Commander. This book is acknowledged as one of the most balanced German military memoirs of World War II.
