Happy New Year, 2014 !

Happy New Year to all In Here ! JR.:smiley:

Happy New Years to you as well, JR. We’re starting it off right here with subzero temps and a massive lake effect snow storm with upwards of 90cm of snow projected. :mrgreen:

Happy new year to all!

It’s all over the news here. Ourselves we’re enjoying the alleged coldest month of the year by app. 15 degrees Celsius resp. 59 degrees Fahrenheit…

Something about a “polar vortex” :mrgreen:

The weather is pretty odd here in the British Isles as well, though not as bad as over much of the 'States. Our problem is unusually heavy rain, combined with high winds and unusually high tides. This combination has caused, at a conservative estimate, €300 million worth of damage in the last two weeks - and that is just Ireland. I shudder to think what the weather situation has cost over the water in Britain. Amazing, really, how a really heavy sea can demolish a seaside promenade made of concrete as if it were a child’s sand castle. I hope we are not going to see a lot more of this … Best regards, JR.

Happy New Year to all, The weather in Tennessee is also strange, near 0 degrees F, In Wisconsin Where I am at the moment, its in the -13 F range, and snow fall has been greater than normal. Good time to remain in, and deplete the Cognac supply, but I have to get an oil change on my truck before I head back South. Keep safe all of you.

Much more of that snow and those “Sons of Guns” folks will get some actual snow to test their anti-avalanche gun in Louisiana … JR.

It snows in Louisiana ?? I’ve never been to that State, but have seen some of the shows, doesn’t look like a place where snow is allowed to fall. O-o In some places, the Gov’t puts out decommissioned Artillery, and even Tanks using H.E. munitions so the Rangers can cause the mountain snows to avalanche safely, anyway more safely.

Happy New Year all! It’s 35 degrees F. here in TX at the moment.
