Happy New Year/ Hogmanay

Enjoy the festivities, and try to stay out of the Hoosegow. :slight_smile:

As I write this 2011 is about 40 minutes old over here.
A ‘Happy new year everybody’ from my side, unfortunately sober and behind bars…:frowning:

Behind Bars? are you in jail, or did they toss you out the back door?

Nah, he’s on the wrong side of the bars.

All the innocent people are on the other side.

A happy and prosperous new year to all.

In the U.S. that would make FTG a Bailey…

Happy new years chaps! Hope you all had a good night of celebrations!

Maybe in Australia!:smiley:

Well, we didn’t start out that way when we got Britain’s rubbish (a good proportion of which was Irish :frowning: ), but the standard prisoner’s claim here nowadays is that he, or she, is innocent.

Not that I’m necessarily opposed to it. If they all pleaded guilty, there’d be no need for a trial.

This would put many criminal lawyers out of work and force them to withdraw their children from expensive private schools which are the entry point for really profitable crimes at a corporate level, where hardly anyone ever gets prosecuted. But when they do, the lawyers’ fees are astronomical.

There are cycles in nature which should not be interfered with. :wink: :smiley: