Hauptmann Günther Viezenz - Tank killer No. 1 - German Forces | Gallery

Hauptmann Günther Viezenz - Tank killer No. 1

This picture shows Hauptmann (Captain) Günther Viezenz (1921-1999), commander of 10th Company, Grenadier-Regiment 7 of the 252nd Infantry-Division. No German soldier was awarded more Tank Destruction Badges than him: he destroyed single handedly 21 enemy tanks with close combat weapons such as handgrenades, panzerfaust, t-mines or hollow charges. 21 destroyed tanks mean 4 bagdes in gold and one in silver. After the war Viezenz joined the Bundeswehr and retired in 1980 as a Colonel.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/18435/hauptmann-gunther-viezenz-tank-killer-no.-1