He-111 Profiles

Only 3, but I will get round to adding others at some point…

He-111 H1 of KG1 Luftwaffe, 1940.

He-111 H1 of 4/KG1 Luftwaffe, 1940.

He-111 H1 of 9/KG53 Luftwaffe, 1940.

Nice ones , thanks for posting them :slight_smile:

Cool, good job mate.

Nice…thank you…my favourite bomber from WWII.

Mighty fine work Clave! :slight_smile:
I do enjoy our work so much, regardless subject.

Kind Regards Clave, Uyraell.

Maybe you can make such for the tanks too ? :slight_smile:

Yes, I have to get some more tanks done when I get time - 2 in 3 years is not a very high production rate… :lol:

Oh, and:

I like! :smiley:

I like to…:smiley:

I Very definitely Like! :slight_smile:

Not often one sees images of MkIV females in the clean state.
A pleasure to see the image, Clave, Thoroughly well done sir !

Kindest Regards, Uyraell.


Ah, I need to get my ‘tank head’ back on, but there are so many aircraft… :o

A couple years ago,. I saw a photo of the remains of a MkIV female that had been gifted to a city, and was then used as housing for an electrical substation.
At that stage, a group of volunteers were trying to save the remains of the vehicle … … …
Turns out some of them had had relatives who had been it’s crew.

Kind Regards, Uyraell.

Oh, that kind of thing makes you tense… :neutral:

Yes. From memory it was a small town near Manchester.
The data was on My old opsys though, and not on the current one.

I can tell you this bit: My dad’s father was at Passchendael and afterwards (the following month) saw Mk III’s and IV’s in action . . . including one that managed to drown itself completely, and the crew having to be rescued by a rushwood road, i.e an unrolled fascine used as a bog-mat for the rescuing troops, all of this done under fire.
From what I was able to gather, dad’s father thought the guys in tanks were asking for death,by simply being aboard them. I don’t think the old man ever travelled more than about 300 yards inside a tank, though (having volunteered as Mounted Infantry) he hated doing so.

Kind Regards, Uyraell.

Ah, I can understand that - I wish I had known my grandfather on my father’s side, he died when I was 6-ish, but apparently had been a sniper in the Black Watch… I can’t find him in any WW1 database though, so I may have been misinformed… :neutral:

Unfortunately, my dad’s dad was dead years before I was born, and dad himself only recalls fragments of what his father said about such times and events, rare though those utterances were. I’ve often had the feeling that the old man may have shared with me info he didn’t share with dad.

Regarding the Black Watch: it may be that you do not find anything useful til about 2020, when the information “may” become declassified. The reason for this is that the Black Watch was one of the units used very early on for supplying personnel to and for various covert and undercover purposes and organisations.
In some respects, the use of Black Watch personnel in such roles predates both the SAS and Combined Ops (Mountbatten’s lot), yet serves as prototype for both.

Kind Regards Clave, Uyraell.