He162 wreck - German Air Force | Gallery

He162 wreck

He162 alias Volksjäger= Reich's Air Ministry official name. alias Salamander=codename of production program. alias Spatz(Sparrow)=name given by Heinkel. Made for a large part out of wood because of metal shortage late in the war.But even so it was the fastest of the first generation of both Axis and Allied jets. scource:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinkel_He_162

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-air-force/45399/he162-wreck

Hmmm. Fast, yes, but … structurally suspect fuselage held together by physically suspect glue; whopping great jet engine attached to its potentially flammable dorsal; tendency of whopping great jet engine to cut out at difficult moments and prove difficult to restart; designed to be flown to victory by virtually untrained Hitler Youth pilots (though the project never really got that far) … good recipe for high-altitude cremations and ultra-hard landings, I think. I understand that Heinkel himself thought that this was not one of the Air Ministry’s more inspired ideas. Desparation, madness - or both ? Interesting 'photo in any event. JR.

The pilots who flew this did actually like it, although it was supposed to be flown by half trained Hitler Youth pilots they did say it actually took an experienced pilot to fly it as it had very light controls.

Captain ‘Winkle’ Brown (Fleet Air Arm and Test Pilot) flew it for fun once he had finished the tests on it.