Heartbleed Bug

My son forwarded this to me, some manner of new evil machination for hackers etc to use against the Cyber World. He told me that our site is vulnerable to it.

I read about it this morning…

Procyon indicated that our server is safe from this flaw, so all should be well. (At least until SkyNet figures it out) :slight_smile:

I heard in the news that this flaw was known to the NSA for 2 years, and was used by them to mine data in their surveillance activities. This is not to say that they came up with it, they only exploited the condition. (this assuming the media is correct)

I know of some IT people working for a major bank that had to pull all nighters a night ago or so because of this…

You might want to change passwords as systems become more secure on your various online accounts…

Already done that, random passages from obscure books are always a good source of passwords. (but not Green Eggs, and Ham) :wink: