Hearts of Iron 2

First of all does anyone have this game? I got the new patch for it and it seems to help out alot. But i found a pretty major glich in it and wondered if anyone had the same problem. When Germany defeats France …Vichy France does not become a puppet. This is kinda a major problem. 2 I cant seem to make more air squadrons more than 4 planes which pretty much sux even though the commanders can handle more than that.

What was weird was that when i was invading France the only country that came to help was Holland. I guess France wasnt to interested in getting there country back. Think this had alot to do with Vichy France not being allied with Germany. Please let me know if you have had the same problems or want to know where the patch is. Thanks

do you know where i can download it for free, not that i dont want to buy it, i just cant find where to buy one around my area, thanks

I didnt see if for free anywhere online but that doesnt mean its not there…im sure you could buy it online

But i found a pretty major glich in it and wondered if anyone had the same problem. When Germany defeats France …Vichy France does not become a puppet. This is kinda a major problem.

i don’t think that’s a bug.as far as i can figure,the game does not use seeded information to enable a high replayability which means AI players acts randomly(well,not 100% randomly,they have some goals,possible allies etc).but then again,i’m not sure.

Well you know, you are never going to find it for free on the net, you really have to go to File Sharing program. BTW its only for PC right?

Well you know, you are never going to find it for free on the net, you really have to go to File Sharing program. BTW its only for PC right?[/quote]

You could possilbly find it for free on the net…I uh know uh people that have gotten many games for free off the net. But yea you are going to have to use a file sharing program and they are shutdown and reopened alot. As far as I know its only for PC.

I think your right ive tried a few different things and it seems to be getting better. The patch seems to have also fixed the crash problem which usually happened when you ran the game at high speed.

Who do you normally play as. Lately ive been trying to play with the Americans but this is pretty hard. You really have to get the hard techs out of the way first and join the allies as soon as possible to help get more blueprints. I want to try and join the Axis sometime but havent yet want to make sure i can destroy canada quickly before i go and conquer the world :slight_smile:

Who do you normally play as. Lately ive been trying to play with the Americans but this is pretty hard. You really have to get the hard techs out of the way first and join the allies as soon as possible to help get more blueprints. I want to try and join the Axis sometime but havent yet want to make sure i can destroy canada quickly before i go and conquer the world Smile

currently,i am trying to reestablish the Ottoman Empire.it’s fun and challenging as hell :slight_smile:

You might try bumping you isolationism up as quickly as possible then join the allies to help get more blueprints …or the axis as well but i think you can get more from the allies. Then just run wild from there. :smiley:

The best i ever did on easy was conquer all of russia, Europe (Accept for allies) and all of the USA including all the islands. As Germany of course. Didnt get all the techs but was close :smiley:

This game is really great,it rocks,you can be tazmania or uruguay in ww2! really interesting.

everyone can use his country.

i heard argentina is nazi,and brasil allied.lol :lol:

but is true,here nazi inmigrations,in brasil,the position against the axis,and the send of troops at the allied side.

I hope that in this evening I will install it. :lol: :lol:

can someone send it to me?:frowning:

The game is set up pretty well. Once you get into it you can cheat a bit. For instance if you wanted to make a united South American Alliance you can be brazil. Influence other nations and the go be that nation and as them to join your alliance. Yea its kinda cheating but you can still have the difficulty on redicously hard and it will be a rewarding game nonetheless.

The patch out there helps out alot I think but the only problem that ive noticed is that Vichy France does not become a puppet of germany after the fall of france. Although you can influence them to come to your alliance. Just think this is a bit off. It didnt do that before the patch. The thing i really like about the patch is that you get penalized for stacking loads of units. Which is really good coz it forces you to look at your commanders skills and abilities.

But like i said the game is setup so that you dont really need cheat codes. Im sure they are out there but wouldnt want them. I just like to cheat a little and have odd alliances sometime Like the US allied with Germany or something silly. :shock:

If you play this game could you show me pictures from this game! I have
heard that this game is rather wonderful! I hope that you will get my asking!!!

Here is a good link about the game.


Here are loads of screenshots.


looks like a pretty good game, (not for mac (sniff*)(sniff*) :smiley: )

this game is pretty good

i am a newbie in this game, which stage is the most easy for newbie and what tech is the best to research
i am for sam (surface to air missiles), heavy tank, better machine guns and jets